Hunter the Trickster

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     "Y-You trader! Why!? HOW DARE YOU do this to us!" Silver cried. The other friends stayed silent. Hunter stayed silent and yanked Silver out of the van. "Come on...I'm waiting for my money!" Hunter grunted as he dragged Silver. The friends stayed in the truck. "Where are you taking me!?" Silver cried. "SHHH!" Hunter Whispered. He dragged Silver to the door of the cabin. "In. NOW." Hunter demanded. "N-NO! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" Silver hesitated. "Do you WANT me to get Zico to take care of you!?" Hunter questioned. Silver stopped struggling and let him drag him in. The sight was a terrible reminder of the past. The sky window, the drapes, which was now dusty and raggedy. The sky window smashed through. Graffiti on the walls that were torn. "OPEN THE DOOR!" Hunter grumbled. Silver whined as he slowly cracked open the door.

          A puff of dust whipped Silver in the face, causing him to sneeze. "Huh? What's in this box? It's wrapped up like a present." Silver was confused. "HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! Now quick grab it! we gotta scram!" Hunter chuckled. Silver was beyond confused. He grabbed the box and made a run for it. Hunter ran after him and dragged him back to his pickup where he was met by chuckling friends. "W-WHAT'S SO FUNNY!?" Silver grunted. "WE TRICKED YOU! HA! Hunter wasn't actually capturing us.. He wanted to trick you and surprise you....and boy did it work!" Taeil chuckled.

     Silver sat there wide eyed in shock. "Well? What are you waiting for? Open it?" Sarah was eager to see the gift. Silver still sat there in the same manner. "Uh Silver? Ya ok buddy?" Asked Hunter. "FLAAARRRRRRRP!!!" Silver pulled a Taeil and stunk out the truck. "Agh! HUNTER! PULL OVER! PULL OVER!" Skye whined. Hunter pulled over as everyone exited the truck chocking.


     Soon they arrived to the Hotel after a few more hours. Silver stayed silent and blushed the whole way there. "Ok! We're here! The Grand Opium Hotel!" Hunter smiled. The friends got out the truck as Taeil carried out Silver and stood him on the pavement. "You guys are gonna love it here! I assure you!." Hunter started walking on by as the friends followed. Taeil dragged Silver as he stayed still and didn't move a muscle.

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