Trust Issues Against Hunter

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(This picture obviously isn't Hunter...It's just symbolic to the Chapter, and IF it is short, please bare with me. It is only the beginning and WILL get better...I hope...To You.)

     "YAAAAA SILVER!!! WAAAKE UUUP!!!" Taeil called into his room excitedly. Silver snapped awake in a fright. "Taeil...Do you ever feel like something is going to go wrong in the future? I'm kind of iffy about going to this Nobels place" He rubbed his eyes. Taeil lifted a brow. "Silver... If you're talking about Jackpot Block B...we totally got rid of them...relax. You need to unwind and have fun. Stop being nieve." Taeil walked out of the room as he left a fart in the path. "I AM NOT...." Silver got cut off by choking from Taeil's gas bomb.

     Everyone ran around packing their things they needed for the week at the hotel they would stay at. They were having a Birth Week for Silver and were going to Nobels every day for 7 Days. Hunter didn't explain the whole ordeal to the friends until Silver wasn't around. Hunter and Silver's friends wanted to make a special Birthday for Silver. The 7th day was Silver's birthday.

     "Ok guys! Ya ready to go!?" Asked Hunter. "Yeah!" every one yelled in unison. Silver just thought they were going to Nobels for two nights, just for fun. The friends all packed into Hunters big pick up and went on their way. "So, does anyone wanna stop by for some food? Just a quick drive thru?" Asked Hunter. "Yeah sure." Silver answered.

     After Lunch, they headed West to start their "Vacation". "I so can't wait to go! It would be hilarious if we SOMEHOW ran into Jackpot Block B! Wouldn't it?" Taeil joked. Silver shrugged, Skye looked out the window unanswered. "I think it would be" Sarah and Hunter agreed. Taeil chuckled. Taeil looked over to Skye who just stared out the window. He smiled knowing how lucky they were to get out of that dilemma they were once in.

     They soon reached Louisiana,New Orleans. The friends were a bit scared knowing that Jackpot Block B's hideout was there. The Old 6 Flags. The Jackpot Gang nicknamed it 7 Flags. The rain poured down and hit hard onto the truck's roof. Silver started to cringe a bit, being reminded of what happened in the past. As he looked over, he noticed Hunter had a smug grin on his face.

     Silver started to worry. ", I heard you don't hunt for game? Am I right?" Silver tried to strike up conversation. "That's Right" His voice sounding mischievous. Silver bit his lip. "But I heard that your friend back at the Inn said that was a secret that you actually did hunt for game." Silver objected. "No Silver...The secret is.....I've been talking to Jackpot Block B this whole time while you guys stayed at the inn. We aren't going to any Nobles. I'm taking you four back to them. They payed me a good hunk of cash to do so." Hunter grinned as he swerved his truck into the old raggedy parking lot of the same Cabin the friends once stayed in.

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