A Hauntingly Familiar Place

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       Thunder boomed, rain splashed onto the roof. The Jackpot Gang got what they wanted back. "Huh...W-Where am I...?" Skye slowly woke up. She looked over and saw her Husband Taeil Bloody and beaten up. Silver, Hunter and Sarah was in another car with the other members. "TAEIL!?" She cried. She tried to reach for him but was only held back by Jaehyo, who sat in the back seat with her on his lap. TaeIl was in the passenger seat as Zico drove. "Oh my sweet lovely Skye, it's such a shame you left us...why couldn't you stay?" Zico said as he smirked evilly.  She saw his evil gaze in the rear view mirror.

       "Let us go!" Skye demanded. "HEHEH! Do you have any IDEA how LONG we've been waiting to find you? How LONG we have looked for you!? I DON'T THINK SO!" Zico started to crazily laugh while twitching. "Why us? We already told you about how sorry we were for intruding in your territory or whatever you call it!" Skye snapped. "I'm glad you did...Because I've been looking for you my whole life." Zico grinned. Skye stayed silent and kept an eye on the door. "Don't even try it...It's an internal lock and bullet proofed windows. There's no escape." Jaehyo whispered in her ear. She shivered at the feeling.

       "Yo, Is cannabis awake yet?" Asked UKwon. "Nah, they're all still out cold." Said B-Bomb as he and the other members had guns pointed at the friends. "I'm so happy we ran into them again...I wonder if Leader is gonna follow through with his plan." Said Kyung as playing with his mask. "What plan?" asked P.O. "Don't you remember? He said; If I ever run into them one day, We are taking them to our abandoned Carnival sight that's identical to our base in South Korea." "Oh yeah...Probably. We can ask him about that." P.O. smiled deviously.

       ...Soon The Villains Arrive To Their Base...

       The cars pull up into the path of the old Carnival diversion with the two rides. Skye looked out the window, the sight reminding her of her unnerving past. She looked at Taeil who was still out cold with tears in her eyes. "What if we don't make it out of this one this time?" she thought to herself. She was always the one to worry.

       "Ok Jaehyo, Take Skye to HQ. B-Bomb, Lock Scruffy(Hunter) in the cell at the abandoned Theater. U-Kwon, lock Silver up behind the mirrors, TaeIl, lock your brother Taeil in the cell in one of the abandoned buildings. P.O. Take Sarah and lock her up in another abandoned building too. They're NOT getting away from us this time." Zico clenched his fist.  "PUT ME DOWN!" Skye screamed as she pounded Jaehyo against his buff build and broad shoulders. "No can do, Dear. You're staying with us. Forever." Zico cackled evilly.

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