UnWanted Attention

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       "Heheh...I LOVE THIS JOB!" Zico chuckled as he played the piano with a creepy tone. "Sir...this isn't a job....it's more like an abduction plan....we aren't getting paid to do it..." TaeIl replied. "Well TaeIl....you wanna know how I feel about your opinion?" Zico said in a low tone, keeping his back turned. Zico grabbed Jaehyo and slammed part of a rice cake down his throat. "That's how I feel about your opinion. TAKE IT AND SHOVE IT! You KNOW we share our ransom around this place! And when we get to Korea....we'll just rob more places."

       "Mmm thanks for the rice cake, Zico" Jaehyo said as he still layed on the floor after being thrown by Zico. "Now...Where is my lovely Wife, Skye? I haven't seen her all day." Zico finally turned around. "Uh...Sir? There is a HUGE spider on your face!" P.O shivered. Zico snapped his fingers to order someone to hand him a mirror. "Oh this little thing? Psh...." He took the spider off his face and flung it, making the members part ways.

       "Now...You guys didn't answer my question....WHERE. IS. MY. WIFE!?" Zico growled as he pounded a spider that was walking onto a table next to him. "Man we need to clean up this place...." Zico sighed. "She's in the back room...." Said Jaehyo. "And please answer me this....WHY isn't she in my room!??? WHERE I LEFT HER!?" Zico became furious.  Jaehyo blushed a bit and backed up behind B-Bomb who immediately moved away from Jaehyo. Zico twitched his eye and stood up slowly as he slowly walked over to Jaehyo and cornered him into a wall. "You see this "Visual" Face of yours?" Zico asked as he held Jaehyo's face in a tight grasp. "I'm gonna grab one of Kyung's trusty knives, and play a game.....a game of I'M GONNA CUT YOUR FACE OFF AND WEAR IT AS A MASK GAME! WE CAN PLAY GUESS WHO!? AHAH!" Zico started chuckling crazilly. "I-Im S-Sorry Sir! Please let me go! That hurts!" Jaehyo grumbled. "Well it hurts me that you go behind MY BACK and do things with my Wife that you have NO permission to do so! That's it....U-Kwon...B-Bomb...lock him in his room for the night...he needs to learn to be a good accomplice...Like the rest of you...right!?" Zico shot them an evil glare. The other members all answered in unison. "YES SIR!" Zico rolled his eyes.

       Zico finally gets off the Piano chair and goes to the back room of their HQ.  "Helloooo my dear!" Zico looked to Skye with a devious/flirtatious look. "What? What do you want now!?" She growled. "Well....I wanted to let you all in on a surprise. I'm gonna tell ya'll about it to cause you guys some.....excitement. BUT here's the catch......You will not know when this will take place." He got closer to her face then whispered in her ear. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it the most....heheh."  After a few minutes of fondling with her hair and being extra creepy; Zico brings out a walky talky and announces through a speaker.

       *Clears Throat* "Good evening hostages! Your Leader has a HUGE announcement for you all! I and The others will be flying over to Korea to our bigger....more complicated to get around....Carnival...And we're bringing some guests to join in on the fun! Each and every single one of.....YOU. When you all get there....you're all gonna obey and do what I say... Or you are all going to die. The contraptions I have made are completely worse than here.....So I'd behave if I were you. No word on when we'll leave...and that's why it's a.....*Turns to Skye while still speaking in the walky talky* SURPRISE!!!!!"

       "Now...aren't you just psyched!?" Zico held onto Skye as he danced around with her. "FINALLY GOING HOME!" He exclaimed. "What!? You ARE NOT TAKING US WITH YOU! Besides...Couldn't you guys go home on your own terms!?" She whined. "First of all...YES. YOU. ARE. and IF you have ANY objections in further notice I WILL kill your friends and just bring you with us! Secondly...No. It was quite a years back....We were gonna originally land in California to rob some huge banks....BUT JAEHYO had to do something STUPID and cause our plane to crash land into this very carnival field that is abandoned....SO we lived here for a long time to finally finish our private jet....that is why Taeil is so dissappointed when he thought we were dead....Maybe he wouldn't hate us so much if he just listened and STAYED in our group!" Zico pounded his fist off a table witb his back turned away.  Skye was shocked. "Wait! Taeil was in your group!???" she was furious. Slowly Zico turned around.  "A few years ago..... But he decided he wanted to leave and do his own little thing. He left The Very Good Era too...just because he didn't get along with my brother, The Leader of that group. He has something against Zico's I guess... Heheh....WELL ANYWAYS!!! I got some Jackpots to hit.....So ..... I'm gonna just leave you with the other members for now.....I am Taking Jaehyo and TaeIl with me. So I will see you in a while my dear...." He caressed her face and kissed her as he danced out the room and locked the door.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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