Sirius Black

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It was a large but humble home, blending in with the muggle's houses. Which of course, just the point was surprising going by mr and mrs black's hatred for them.

But what was going on inside the large, tall almost mansion like house was far more interesting...

"I'm not wearing that rubbish!" a tall, young boy- possibly at the naive and susceptible age of eleven shouted, angrily glaring at his mother.

"You will wear this! stop being so difficult!" she screeched, her unpleasant voice breaking slightly due to the loud strain.

"You know what I would like to do with that?" Sirius asked his raging mother, his mum just looked at him, waiting for the answer. Instead, Sirius held out his hand, gesturing for her to hand Sirius the 'thing' he was expected to wear.

The mother passed to to him, thinking he was going to wear it. But of course he wasn't going to. This was Sirius black we're talking about.

"I" he said, pausing as he took the brown and yellow suit of the coat hanger, "would" he stopped again, this time to roughly remove the beige cloak from the hanger, "like" he opened the window, "to do" he looked into his mothers eyes, "this!" He abruptly finished, the shout making Mrs Black shout.

Sirius had thrown the hideous garment outside, and there was nothing she could do about it. "You ghastly child!" she yelled, raising her hand to give Sirius a slap.

Now later, it will be needless to say that, indeed, Sirius black was in no way spoiled, or ungrateful or hurtful, and that he defiantly was not the problem and actually his parents were.

Sirius ducked under the preying arm of his mother, running through the hall way and up the creaky stairs and past his brother's, regulus' room and up one for flight of stairs and pat his parent's room and I to his own.

Laying down on his bed, he grinned to himself, needing to suppress laughter as he knew it would get him into even more trouble. After about thrift seconds he had fully recovered from laughing and running so he approached his small (but taller than Sirius) wardrobe and pulled out a white button up shirt, dark jeans and a pair of redish converse.

By the time he had out them all on, his father was already on Sirius' case. "What in merlin's beard was that?" his dad shouted, quickly stalking over to Sirius, causing Sirius to back away quickly and in the process tripling and stubbing his toe slightly on the huge bed. "Why are you wearing muggle clothes?" he asked Sirius suspiciously.

"Well muggles aren't supposed to know magic exists, so this is my way of not looking like an utter idiot" he replied back.

"You should be proud to be part of the-"

"I know, I know. I should be proud to be part of the pure blood line of the Noble house of Black. I know" but if course, Sirius didn't really know why his family were classed as 'noble' as he realised, soon after the age of about nine that the family was corrupt with insest, deception and hatred.

"But I'm going to wear this" Sirius finalised, going over to his Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry trunk that he had packed for days.

"Just remember you are bringing shame to name wearing this" his dad Solemnly said.

"Okay" Replied Sirius, trying to sound light hearted but only remembering one word. 'Shame'. That's all his parents thought he was. A shame upon the Name.

"Hi Sirius" his little brother cooed, jumping out from behind the door.

Sirius loved his little brother, even if he was jealous of little regulas. "Hey, how ya' doing" Sirius said kindly, already feeling the jealousy creep up on him.

"I'm fine. I'm just so tired. I still don't get why we had to wake up at five thirty in the morning when we only live about five minutes away from the station" regulas said, looking slightly confused.

Though I was true- Mrs blacks expectations if the household were close to military. Normally, the boys would have to be up and read for breakfast at seven thirty every morning, if they weren't, there would be a punishment. then they would have to of finished breakfast in ten minutes, if they hadn't, there would be a punishment. After breakfast, the boys would have to go and look at the tapestry family tree, if they didn't, there would- guess what!- another punishment.

"I don't know, reg. I guess mum just wants me to be on time for the first day of school." He told regulus, not wanting to press his disliking for his parents onto regulas.

Although Sirius knew his parents wouldn't hurt regulus physically when he was away at school, Sirius wasn't so sure if they would hurt him mentally, pressing their old fashioned ideas onto regulus. "Why on earth are you dressed like that? you look like a stupid muggle!" regulus laughed.

Sirius' stomach dropped, although regulus didn't really know what he was saying, and it would seem harmless to others, Sirius knew it was the first step to having the same ideas as his parents.

"Don't say that!" Sirius said, not trying to sound to serious.

"But you do look like that!"

"No. I look like a muggle. Not a stupid muggle" Sirius said, running up to regulus and picking him and and swinging him round. There was only a years gap between the brothers, but Sirius looked about fourteen for his age and he had the strength and heigh of a fourteen year old as well where as with regulus, he was nine about to turn ten but he looked more like a six year old.

"I love you, regulus and don't let people pressure you Into thinking things that aren't true" Sirius said to his brother, still feeling jealous but not letting it get in the way of his affection. Obviously Sirius would feel jealous though, after all, regulus was 'his prefect little brother' as said my mr and mrs black.

"Are you done up there!?" mrs black shouted up the stairs.

"Yes!" regulus said back.

"Okay honey, regulus, come along now. And you Sirius. Now." She said, her tone changing when she spoke about Sirius.

And so off they went to platform 9 and 3/4.

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