The Sorting Hat

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After about five minutes of not talking, the four boys went to get changed into their black robes- black because they didn't actually have a house yet.

The train screeched to a stop and all the students, young and old, came tumbling out the carriages, as soon as the four boys clambered out of the carriage, Remus heard someone calling, it was a rough voice but it still had an element of kindness to it, despite the severity of it.

"Firs' years over 'ere" James, Sirius, Peter and Remus followed the voice until they saw the owner; a large, hairy man with beatle shaped eyes - about thirty years older than James ushered them into a little rowing boat "Four to a boat, don' overload now will yer." He said. James gave Sirius the devilish grin again just before they got into the boat, they already knew they would be friends just down to the way they could practically read each others thoughts. As they were pushed off the muddy, wet lake bank, they slowly drifted across the lake,the four boys began to feel quite tranquil, feeling the slow swaying of the water as they traveled along in the small wooden boat with a oil lantern fastened on the front. Suddenly James and Sirius started rocking the boat trying to turn it over they all tumbled into the freezing cold, icy water with an exasperated look on Peter and Remus's face. All feelings of calmness and tranquility had flooded away.

"Come on, it's fun!" Said Sirius, as he tread the water. Remus and peter art first, looked furious with Sirius and James, but Sirius' grin was to contagious to resist, before long, the four of them managed to over turn roughly a quarter of the rowing boats, they just loved the thrill of cooking up mischief and the great feeling of looking at everyone's faces when the plummeted into the freezing lake.

When they finally had enough of the freezing cold water, with numb legs and fingers, they swam to the boat house, it wouldn't of taken so long if Peter wasn't so bad at swimming, the boys thought he would be good at it because of is 'buoyant' figure.

They plodded up the hill towards the huge castle, drenched with lake water, that stunk of a mixture of salt, mud and seaweed, as they stood out side the gates each of there jaws dropped and the were speechless, they had to crane their heads upwards to be able to see the tallest tower, they noticed, although there new home/school was a castle, how welcoming it looked. The golden colour in each window, slowly flickered, as if each light was alive and dancing. The moon shone brightly, a glowing, white or in the pitch black sky that was scattered with multiple stars. The four boys were lost in their thoughts until a harsh voice interrupted their thoughts.

"Can I help you?" said the harsh voice, Sirius snapped back into reality and discreetly kicked James, so that he did the same thing; returning to reality.

They looked to the person who asked them the question. There was a lady only just taller than James, with the tightest bun the boys had ever seen, she had a very stern expression, and her glasses were firmly positioned on her small, pointy nose.

"Exaresco" she muttered and suddenly their clothes became warm and dry, any trace of water or lake smell, immediately disappeared.

"Now, what are your names?" She demanded, looking from one boy to the next.

"Sirius Black."

"James potter"

"Remus Lupin"

"Peter Pettigrew"

"Well that's done then, we have received a complaint from one of your fellow first years, Mr Malfoy and Mr Mulcibler so, when you get sorted into your house I will be deducting five house points each and I will be issuing a detention to all of you, here at Hogwarts, we do not tolerate ill punctuality and bad behavior and in case you were wondering I am professor McGonagall, deputy head of Hogwarts and head of Gryffindor." She spun round and power walked away so fast the four boys had to jog to keep up with her.

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