The Little Nighttime Problem

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The boys decided to take off the cloak as one) it was hard to walk under with three people, one of which being boarder line-freakishly fall for his age, and the other one being about a foot and a half smaller than him... It just wasn't working and two) it was to dark to see any one anyway, so they didn't need it.

Sirius, James and Peter walked along a thin, long pathway that Sirius, being as clumsy as he was, persistently tripped over the uneven surface, until they reached a set of rickety wooden steps that creaked under peters weight, they were incredibly steep and they looked very old, some of the steps splintered or parts even missing.

At the end of the steps, the was a door with a rusty brass handle in the shape of a lion head, its mane looking wild, the handle could of looked good if it wasn't for the rusty looking substance on it.

The three boys looked at each other, unsure who was going to open the door, but Sirius ended up opening the door.

It was stuff and creaked due to its age. The three boys carefully entered the room, frightful of what might await them but sitting on a wooden chair in the corner was Remus; the fact that Remus was the thing were scared of made them feel quite pathetic and stupid, not to mention how anticlimactic the whole event was.

"What are you doing here, it isn't safe, its nearly time." Remus rambled frantically, obviously getting flustered as he leaped up from is decaying chair.

"Whoa, slow down. Why isn't it safe and if it isn't safe why are you here?" asked James, sounding very concerned, and for once, very serious.

"It isn't safe because I'm here, I am the danger, now you need to go." Remus said staring out at the moon and then turning round to his friends, going in the middle of James and Sirius and turning their shoulders, ushering them away, hoping Peter would follow.

"We're not going anywhere until you give us answers, you can tell us anything." Sirius said, roughly shaking his shoulder from Remus' tightening grip.

Remus took a few steps back, over to the table and looked at his watch that was sitting on the table next to his chair, he sighed.

"Will you please leave me be if I tell you why I'm here?" Remus said, now no urgency was evident, it was like he would never be passionate or happy about someone or something ever again- he was truly scared, not the kind of quick hysteria scared, the kind of terror that grips you from the inside, making all other emotions shut down, leaving you sure that your top priority is to save yourself from dangers, or at least those around you.

"We'll all leave if you tell us" James said, sounding genuine.

"I'll have to be quick, its nearly time, when I was a child, about the age of five... Or I could of been six, I'm not to sur-"

"You're getting off the point Remus" Sirius growled, annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah, right... my father had an argument with a criminal werewolf, finerar greyback..." the others gasped.

"The wearwolf that is in azkaban?" James confirmed. Remus nodded sadly.

Remus took a shakey breath, "and as revenge he bit me, i was infected in seconds by the bite, they tried to get me to st Mungo's but... It was too late, the venom was in my blood stream, poisoning me... Changing me." remus sighed.

the boy's could tell that he hadn't told anyone this before, "so now, every time a full moon occurs once a month, I become a blood thirsty beast and I do not remember who I am or who my friends are, so I have to be situated away from everyone so I'm not a danger to them" he paused, "so I don't kill them in vein" everyone was silent for a while, not knowing what to say, "now if you could go before I transform and end up killing you all, I would be very greatful, I will see you in the morning" he concluded, sounding like he didn't want a fuss made over the whole affair.

Sirius, James and Peter stared at Remus with disbelief.

"We will do anything we can, to make these nights bearable" said James.

Then, they turned around and started down the passage way. halfway down they heard an ear splintering yell and they looked at each other and started talking about ways they could help Remus.

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