What Sirius Did Next

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Sirius was going on again about how he was utterly convinced that Severus knew something about how Remus was a werewolf.

The conversation was ended abruptly by Remus telling everyone to shut up about it all and not to mention it again.

The whole werewolf subject seemed to be a touchy topic for Remus. But then again, being a werewolf wouldn't be the best. So the last thing he wanted is to have the subject mentioned nearly every time they spoke.

Although Remus didn't want them to try and find out if Severus knew about it all, Sirius decided he was going to do something.

He planned that he would teach Severus a lesson for snooping around in other people's business.

Even if Severus didn't know, it'd be a funny thing to do.

Later in the day, Sirius went off, to go and find Severus.


"Hey there Snivel- um I mean Severus" said Sirius as he leaned against the stone pillar of the Hogwarts court yard as snape walked past him.

"And what would a dunderhead like you want to talk with me for?" Snape said in his normal sneer. Snape secretly enjoyed being seen with Sirius as he had told his fellow Slytherins that his hobby was to taunt Sirius, even though this was not the case, it still looked good him saying this, it certainly impressed is fellow peers.

"Well, fine then if you don't want to hear what I was going to tell you about Remus ..." Sirius trailed of, still with his usual smirk, that any girl would fall head over heels for, plastered to his face.

He lifted his soft, long, dark hair away from his eyes and started to turn away from Snape.

"Go on..." drawled Snape, still weary of Sirius, as this, Snape thought, could be one of those "long-winded" pranks that he would so often pull on Snape, or the kind where someone would distract him while other people planted dung bombs in his bag.

"Do you want to know where Remus goes every night at certain times of the month?" Sirius continued without an answer from Snape. "Well, I am here to tell you." Added Sirius.

Snape raised one eyebrow trying to immitate what Sirius' friends did, this failled so Snape just pretended nothing happened.

"Yes..." said Snape, his ghastly voice starting to highly irritate Sirius.

"He goes to the whomping willow, and he takes a secrete passage down to the shrieking shack, then, he transforms every month into a blood thirsty werewolf" Sirius said, trying to maintain a casual tone to his voice.

By the time Sirius had finished with his explaination, Snape was doubled over with laughter.

"I've had theories" Snape said between guts of laughter, "But none of them are so far fetched as that one" Snape looked up and gazed at Sirius' expression, stern, truthful and serious. Snape instantly stopped laughing, "well.... Why would you tell me that anyway?"

"We just had a falling out," Sirius lied, wondering how it would feel like to be this disloyal in real life.

Severus continued to stare at Sirius.

"Think about it, he transforms in a weeks time." Said Sirius. And with that Sirius spun round on his heels and sped of as quickely as he could, in fear of bursting out laughing.

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