The Whomping Willow

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Lily's POV:

"Sev..." no answer. "Severus" He looked at me with his dark cold eyes. "What's wrong?"

He looked at me through the two greasy curtains ether side of his eyes. He stood up and just left the courtyard where we were sitting. I jumped up to follow him until:

"Hello my delicate Lily flower" Potter. James Potter, all I needed.

"Go away" I said coldly.

"Can I ask you a question?" Potter said to me.


"Will you go out with me?" He said. Huh, ever since day one he has been asking me this. I find him repulsive: he's cocky arrogent and just a all round idiot.

Third person POV:

Lily and severus were arguing all the way down to the whomping willow, so when they arrived, Lily saw no point in staying.

"I'm going" said Lily roughly.

"Good" said severus, in his cold, distant voice he had managed to pick up from his cruel friends Mulcibler and Malfoy.
Severus POV:

How long had I been sitting on this damp cold mud waiting for something to happen? I asked my self. I knew the answer: a long time.

I was just about to leave when I saw Sirius, James, Peter and Remus. I noticed there was something about Remus that wasn't normal, he kept on darting his gaze around the clearing, but then again, it might of just been me, almost wanting this not to be a stupid trick that Sirius had played on me. Which ninety percent of the time, it was.

Sirius whipped out his wand and muttered something under his breath, the willow tree stopped viciously lashing out.

Remus hugged every one then slowly edged along towards an chink in the thrunk. As he got there he looked behind him, and proceeded with his head bowed. I got up, silently moving through the bushes closer to the emobilized whomping willow, not wanting to be seen and 1) be teased for believing Sirius if it was a trick. And 2)then if I wasn't seen, I wouldn't look like a creepy stalker.

Sirius' POV:

I looked around discreetly and I saw Snivellus stand and walk through the bushes croutched. I'll have to work quickly if this is going to work, I thought to my self.

"I'm gonna take a quick visit to Hagrid's" I lied as they slipped under the cloak.

"Alright, do you want us to leave you the cloak?" James asked. I always admired James' generosity.

"Um, if you could. You know what I'm like, I can't hide to save my life!" they all smiled and handed me the cloak, I nearly dropped it as the material was so damn fine.

I put it on as I waited beside the tree, waiting for Severus.

Snape's POV:

After I made sure that no one was there I creeped along to the tree and stepped into the trunk. As I turned around I saw Sirius standing in front of me looked down at me (he was remarkabley taller then me even though I was older.)
He gestured me to keep quiet.

We slowly started up the ricktey stair when...

"Sirius, what is that" I said my voice cracking half way through.

I stood frozen to the spot with fear, everything else was hazy around me apart from the yellow eyed werewolf directly in front of me, it was about six foot tall with a thick layer of wirey hair on its body, it's breath stunk of blood, it was growling loudly then I felt what I could only explain as a jolt of lightening corsing through my upper arm. A gash of flesh ripped out of my arm. I turn to Sirius, stunned.

"Run" he whispers, clearly as afraid as I am, though he disobeys his own instructions, I pushed him only to earn another command, much louder this time. "Run!".

Suddenly, roles are switched. I dont respond, I'm glued to the spot like I'm I a full body binding spell. "NOW!" He bellows. This snaps me back into reality. Time fast forwards.

I sprint down the stairs with Sirius behind me desperately ushering me on. Finally we're out of that damn place.

"Mobilize it Sirius" he looks at me like I spoke in a different language, the frantic panting and growling coming closer from inside the tree. "Make. The. Tree. MOVE. AGAIN." I scream at him. He mutters something just as I begin pass out. The tree a stops moving. Then I look down at my shredded arm. I pass out. The consciousness I so desperately hold onto, slips away.

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