Phase one

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By the time they were in full flow of phase one, it was nearly time to break up for summer, much to James' relief as the last part of the school year was so tiring, Sirius clearly didn't want to go home as he would have to face the dreaded Mr and Mrs Black, along with Regulus, as well as Sirius, Peter and Remus didnt particularly look forward to the holidays, but they still, nevertheless, fitted in as much research as they could, but it was very hard as they now had Snivellus breathing down there necks, and of course, Sirius had his own suspicions that snivellus noticed that every month Remus went somewhere. So they had to speed up their schedule.

"Snivellus knows something" blurted out Sirius, he had been thinking about the subject for ages, but obviously he wasn't sure of his accusation, ninety percent if the time, he had no idea whether he was right or wrong about things, it was always just pure luck that he was normally correct.

"Sirius, you're wrong" James intervened before anyone else could say something that would remotely encourage Sirius.

"No, I'm not wrong, I'm never wrong, tell me five ones where I was unmistakably, categorically, positively wrong" countered Sirius, knowing that James wouldn't be able to as A) James had a terrible memory for little things like that and B) there was hardly any times Sirius was wrong.

James looked deep in thought, pulling a concentration face that frankly looked painful.

"Precisely!" Sirius shouted suddenly, making Remus, Peter and James jump. "Would you like me to indulge you with my right-ness?"

"Enlighten me" James said back.

"Okay," Sirius cleared his throat, deliberately trying to sound important, "number one, the time that I knew McGonnagal would notice that you hadn't done nine weeks worth if homework"

"Yeah... well-"

Sirius continued like James didn't say anything, "number two, when I told you that your new haircut made you look like a flobberworm. That was dead." James consciously flattened down his hair that they had manage to grow back after a first year asked him why his hair looked like a fluffy flobberworm under stomach.

"Number three-"

"Okay, okay we get it," James interrupted, noticing how he was always the person who was wrong and Sirius was the person who was always right,
"Anyway, how would you know that?" James replied with his usual tone of sarcasm in his voice, trying To paper over the embarrassing episode of being humbled by none other than Sirius Black. Possibly the most un-humble boy in the world. If not the universe.

"I just know, James, didn't I give you enough proof as to why you should believe me just then?"

"Um, can, w-we just s-stop arguing I-it's startig t-to distract me a-a bit" Peter stuttered.

"We're not arguing!" James and Sirius both shouted at Peter in unison. In return, Peter just sunk into his chair, sulking. Remus just rolled his eyes after staring at the pitiful sight of peter then proceeded with his twelve inch essay about hinky punks that had to be completed in a week the he was doing early. For fun.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" said James with the normal smirk plastered onto his face, he clearly found it amusing at Sirius' concern.

"Jinx him until he tells us," Sirius said casually, as if he just asked if James wanted any sugar in his coffee.

"No" James said flatly. The three boy's reactions were like nothing James had ever seen.

"WHAT?! Remus, Peter, go and check if Poppy is free to come and see if my lickle Jamesie is okay." said Sirius.

"Who the hell is Poppy?!" Remus shouted back.

"Madam Pomphrey, you idiot!"

"People, just shu-" James tried.

"How the hell was I meant to know that?!" Remus shouted back.

"Well you're the smart one!"

"All of you shut up" said James calmly. The boys just kept on shouting at each other. James inhaled deeply: "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU" James shouted for the third time, everyone in the common turned around to see the commotion, "I do not need Madam Pomphrey."

"Why don't you want to jinx old Snivellus into oblivion then?" Sirius said, throwing his arms up in frustration.

"I just don't"

Remus tapped his fingers in the table top, and said: "Oolala! James!"

"What are you talking-" said James.

"Ohhh... I get it... Code four three seven, yes?" Sirius taunted.

"Yep, that's right Sirius, something to do with lily" Remus said in a sing song voice.

"Uhh I hate all of you, y'know? Lily doesn't want me to go jinxing anyone."

"And there's no changing your mind?" Sirius said hopefully.
James shook his head, "I want to have a chance with her Sirius, and I don't want a stupid grudge and a bad jinxing habit to get in the way if that"

"Okay, okay, no need to get all soppy with me, God, I'll sort it out the old slime ball myself then, if you're too wrapped up in Lily land" Sirius taunted, grinning.

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