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"How've you been?" Lily asked Severus, curious.

"I'm fine" Severus said, not elaborating.

"Are you sure?" Lily prodded. "You don't seem okay, or yourself. You seem annoyed"

Severus didn't know why, but everything lily was doing made him annoyed. So he didn't reply to her.


"Do you ever shut up?" He said, bitterly. "You always talk, but it's never about anything relevant or remotely interesting. Then you expect people to listen"

"Sorry. I'll be quiet" she said tentatively.

"But of course. Everyone has to listen to lily. Because she's a spoiled little brat" Severus didn't know where all of this poison had come from, but he let it out anyway.

As Severus ranted about her, lily saw James and his friends walk past. "You're so annoying and everyone hates you" Severus finished just as James walked past.

"What the hell is that for?!" James shouted as he came over to Severus. James had obviously heard him say that. "Well?!"

"Go away. It's none of your business"

"And it's not your business to make lily feel like dirt." James countered.

"Don't pretend like you're much better, potter. You're a disgusting person, and lily also hates you" Severus desperately said.

James stalked forward, punching Severus square in the face. Severus staggered back slightly and then caught this bearings, digging into his pocket for his wand.

"Yeah. That's right. The only thing you're good at. With out that stupid wand, you're nothing" James shouted angrily as he got out his wand too.

Snape lifted his arm, flourishing his wand, but before he could say anything, James got there before him.

"Stupify!" He shouted, bright jets of sparks flying out of his wand and hitting Severus in the stomach. Snape went flying across the grass. James ran up to him, noticing severus' wand was still in his hand, James harshly kicked it away, deliberately clipping his hand in the process.

"Never think you can talk to anyone like that, and especially when I'm around" James said, making each word as firm as the other.

He threw Severus' wand down onto him and stalked away, over to Lily.

"James. You didn't need to do that" Lily told him, looking at him.

"I did, he's horrible to you and I don't know why you still hang around with that" James tried to calm himself down, but he couldn't.

Why did Severus make him so mad?

"No. I mean it, Severus didn't mean any of it, and you're just as worse as him" protested Lily, her eye brows frowning.

"Some gratitude that is, Lily" James replied sarcastic.

"Why should I be grateful when you've just beaten up my best friend?" Lily became more angry. Whatever James did, he always thought he was right or it was called for.

"I was just trying to help, next time I won't try" James snarled, turning away from Lily and going to Sirius and the others.

"What happened there, mate?" Sirius asked, wanting to know what sparked James off so fast.

"You didn't hear?" James took of his robe and rolled up the sleeves of his white button up shirt, feeling hot from his sudden bout of anger.

"Well obviously not. Or I wouldn't be asking you what was wrong"

"He was saying how much everyone hates Lily and how annoying she is" explained James. Sirius looked like he was going to start laughing at how James had overreacted "it doesn't sound much but you could tell it was getting to Lily"

"Why did you do it though?" Sirius started to laugh, "she hates you anyway, so anything you do will be wrong"

"I don't think Lily hates him, Sirius. Just doesn't like him" Remus chipped in.

"Remus, she clearly hates him. You can tell, she hardly even looks at him-"

"Um, 'him' is here so if you could stop pretending I'm not here. It would be good" James argued.

"Okay, let's all just settle on the fact that she hates you" Remus opened his mouth to speak, "no. End of story, Remus"

"I agree with Remus" Peter said.

"Shut up Peter" they all said, turning away from him and walking away.

"It'll do you good to stay away from her unless you want Lily to kill you" Sirius stated.

James chuckled, "I'm not going to make the mistake of helping her again"

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