The First Detention

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As they climbed the steep moving stair case after the sorting ceremony, they stood outside the fat lady's portrait, The prefect came in front of them, he was tall and had the blondest blond hair the boys hadn't seen him before.

"Jumping whizbees" he said, the portrait swung open to reveal the most homely room Sirius had ever seen, Sirius was already tired from the day, so the common looked so welcoming.

Even the three squishy sofas situated around the carpeted room and three soft red arm chairs , two in front of the burning, crackling fire were looking so inviting. The other chair, in the corner in front of a table didn't look so inviting due to the lack of warm fire, but it still looked nice. to the side of the table there was a stone spiral stair case. The prefect ushered them up and into their dormitories. Inside the little room there was five, four poster beds around the room with their trunks at the bottom of the beds, the initials on the underside of them read; J.P, S.B, R.L, P.P and F.L.

It was like Sirius had found his safe haven, or a place he could call home for the first time in his life. It was like the home he never had. Of course, sirius had a house but it wasnt a home, a house is just a bunch of bricks cemented together, but a home is what you can make from the bricks, where you feel safe, axcepted and make memories, Sirius had never really thought of hogwarts like that.


"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Shouted a shrill voice, James', Sirius' and Remus' eyes snapped open to find Peter hopping up and down, making a loud dense thud on the floor. "We were meant to be awake dressed and we should of eaten breakfast a hour ago!" Shouted Peter, in his loud but squeaky voice. The combination of the two made his voice hurt the other boys ears.

"Peter, stop with the shouting will you?!" Said James, clearly irrited at the way the had been waken.

"Okay, okay. But we need to get dressed." Peter replied, starting to sound like a whiney, spoiled seven year old girl. The three boys just stared at Peter, not believing how loud and irritating one boy could be. "Now! We're going to get detention!".

"What?!, we cant." Said Remus, ringing his hands nervously, this surprised Sirius.

"Come on Remus... You're not a goody-two-shoes, any way we've already got a detention" Sirius said with a smirk across his face, James agreed with him.

"I'm not a goody-two-shoes it's just that I'm, well, I'm... busy to night." Sirius stared at him, sighed and shook his head.

They got dressed and ran down to the deserted hall with the fat lady yelling that they were incredibly late.

First lesson was transfiguration, they burst into the room.

Transfiguration could of been the worst lesson to be late for, as it was taught by professor O'dura, and nobody really wanted to mess with her, they were told they were going to have a new teacher for that lesson, but she just looked like the type that would tell you off for breathing.

A round short woman with long black curly hair whipped around."Can I help you!? Or are you my late students?"

"Late students professor..." Sirius said, suppressing a grin, instead, a large smirk appeared on his face.

"Professor O'Dura" she said.

"Professor" said a sly, slippery voice. at first, Sirius had no idea who it was, but then he realized, there was only one person that it was humanly possible to have such an irritating voice... Of course.... It was Severus.

Some thing that was even more annoying than his stupid voice, was the unfortunate fact that Snape was in a different house to the four boys, this meant he would try extra hard to catch the boys out in an attempt to reduce the AMout of house points gryffindor had, and also, much to their disappointment, they still had similar lessons with eachother.

"I do believe that being late is worthy of a detention" he said, already suckin up to a teacher. Professor O'dura considered this.

"Shut up Snivellus" said James, now using his nickname to address Severus.

"Well, if lateness didn't give you boys a detention that did. All of you, I want to see you here at six o'clock, this evening, your deaths will not excuse you" she said, with a harsh and ugly slither of a smile forming.

Sirius and James rolled there eyes. Remus did not look too happy and peter just looked confused - it was easy enough to understand, but Peter always looked confused and there was never really a reason to his constant perplexsion.

Surprisingly, the lesson wasn't that bad, they were learning about animangi, but this was only because professor O'Dura wanted to give the class a 'taste' to what was to come. Nevertheless, James, Sirius, Peter and Remus was incredibly interested on the subject, so much so it took all their minds of the detention. Well, all of their minds apart from Remus's, he seemed very worried about the detention. At the end of the lesson he told the others to go ahead and he would catch up once he had had a word with professor O'dura about the detention.

Sirius, James and Peter wandered to the hall to have lunch, they were chatting about why Remus had stayed behind at the end of transfiguration, but every suggestion seemed less likely than the last one. The rest of the day dragged on and was very standard: Herbology- dull, history of magic- dull
Ancient runes- dull
Overall, it was a dull day, but finally it was the end of lesson time, they dragged themselves up to the fat lady and said the password: "fairy lights". They all sat down around the fire for about an hour talking about quidditch and what team they supported until the clock chimed half past five.

"Come on, we better go down to the transfiguration room" said James. they all agreed, and plodded over to the portrait hole as they passed through it Sirius, James, and peter turned left whilst Remus turned right. "Where you going? It's this way." James told Remus.

"Yeah, I don't have to go, I'll see you in the morning" he said. the three boys didn't bother asking as Remus looked quite upset, as if interrogation might make him burst into a pool of tears. As they turned the corner Sirius stopped peter and James.

"Am I right in saying that you told me that you've got an invisibility cloak?" Sirius asked James.

"Yes you are correct," he replied. "Am i thinking what your thinking?"

"what? that we should follow Remus under the cloak and see if he's okay?"

"Im not sure, we really should go to this detention" said peter, interrupting the two boys.

"Oh, for goodness sake! Whats life with out a little risk?" Sirius said with a grin of his face."Come on, we haven't got much time..." It was sorted, they ran back up to the Gryffindor common, they ran up to their dormitory and James managed to find the invisibility cloak: a long cloak with the consistency of water, silk and air mixed together. back down the stairs they went through the portrait hole and they ran until they sighted Remus wandering down the stairs, the three boys slipped the cloak on and followed him.

After a while Remus stopped, looked around nervously and looked at a great tree on a hill near the lake, the tree was violently thrashing out at him until Remus found a large branch and walked up behind the tree and touched a knot on the tree; the tree suddenly immobilized and the biggest root shifted a couple of feet so that Remus could climb inside the tree. Sirius, James and Peter hurried after him... Eager as to why Remus was inside this strange, violent tree.

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