Reactions of being a warewolf

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The four boys ran out of the peculiar room inside the whomping willow, gasping for fresh, crisp air.

"What the hell?" James exclaimed as he put his arms around himself to protect his body from the relentless wind.

"Why didn't he tell us?" Surprisingly Peter spoke up, "we're his friends, yet he still didn't say anything"

"Well it isn't exactly something you say. 'Oh, hello there, I'm Remus Lupin, just to mention, every full moon, I turn into a blood thirsty werewolf. Nice I meet you'" Sirius said, "I wouldn't of told you lot of I was a werewolf either"

"He shouldn't be allowed in the school!" Peter said, his arms waving about.

"Can you hear yourself?!" James shouted at Peter, "I think that we should just calm down a bit" Sirius nodded but Peter just looked away, "Remus is still the same person we knew an hour ago, right?"

"Yes" Peter said, glaring at James and then up at the full moon, as if it was all of the moons fault, or maybe James and the moon had set it all up just to ruin things.

"I think it's very selfish of you to say that Peter, Remus can't help it, but we can help him" James calmly said, "now let's go back into the castle because I'm freezing.

They threw over the invisibility cloak, just to be sure that preying eyes would be oblivious to them. It was late, very very late, but even still.

"You just need to accept him," Sirius said, "that's what friends are for, accepting everyone despite their flaws."

"I think being a half breed is more than a flaw" Peter replied in a whisper as they walked past the great hall and began to climb the stairs.

"What did you just call him?" James hissed, giving a look to Peter that would scare him if he could see James' face in the dark.

"Nothing" Peter retreated, thinking that repeating what he just said wouldn't be the best idea.

"He called Remus a half-breed" Sirius said, making his world sound like poison.

James, on the left side of Sirius and Peter pushed ten both into the boys bathroom, instead of going up to the dorm, so that they could talk for longer.

"What the hell is with you today?" James asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"Nothing" Peter said.

"Well then I expect you to treat Remus the same as you've ever treated him." James said firmly, looking into peters watery eyes, "because, right now, what you're saying is horrible."

"You just don't understand what I'm sayi-"

"No. I don't want to hear it, Peter, you've said enough for us to understand what you're trying to say."

Peter walked over to the basins and turned the tap on, "you never want to hear what I say" Peter put his hands under the warm running water, cleaning them.

"Why are you cleaning your hands?" Sirius asked, confused at peters sudden reaction. It was like Peter had just remembered that he had done something that would need him to wash his hands clean. Like he forgot he was handling raw chicken, but then suddenly remembered, rushing to clean his hands.

"I've touched an animal" Peter mumbled. James almost didn't hear it, but Sirius certainly did.

"What did you just say?" Sirius' strong, sturdy fists balled and tensed up.

"I said nothin-" Peter couldn't finish his sentence as his mouth was interrupted by the swing of Sirius' angry fist. Right on the cheek bone, where Sirius was aiming for.

It was like Peter knew what he was saying was either A) asking for an invitation to be punched, or B) he knew it was wrong.

"I don't understand why you're talking like this. Remus is our friend" James said, looking worried.

"I-I just don't like change I don't like difference" Sirius rolled his eyes, still breathing heavily at the sudden burst of anger he had.

"If we show you that Remus is still the same person, and that we can help him, can you still be okay with it all?" James asked, desperately not wanting something like this to tear up all of their friendships.

Peter thought about it, then nodded his head, not making eye contact with James or Sirius. Especially not with Sirius.

James took the lead and held out his hand to shake and so did Sirius. They shook hands and apologised though you could tell that Sirius was still a little tense about it all, and he shook peters hand a little too hard as well, but nothing was said about it.

Reconciled once more, the three on the cloak again, making their way up to the dorms with Sirius standing next to James, and Peter on the other side, away from Sirius.

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