Who Are You

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        (warning: contains themes of self-harm, suicide, and abuse)

 I was in my old room. My head was under my pillow but I could still hear the yelling. My parents were fighting yet again. It was taking all that I had for me to not run away. All of a sudden it gets quiet and I hear my mom say, "Miya, darling, go up to your room." Miya gave the wrong answer. "No mom. Not until you and dad stop fighting. It's killing Ashlynn and me." What I hear next makes me cringe. SLAP. I hear Miya cry out and automatically know that my mother hit her. "Don't you dare talk back to me again Miya." I head more hitting and then a thud and I know that Miya is on the ground. I can hear her crying. Finally I hear someone run up the stairs It's Miya. She runs to the bathroom sobbing and screaming about her not being able to take it anymore. The bathroom door slams. 

    I get out of bed after about 30 minutes and head to the bathroom to try and calm my twin down. "Miya...you ok in there?" I try the door. Locked. "Hey sis, open up the door." No response. I take a bobby pin out of my hair and pick the lock. I walk in to the bathroom and found Miya with an empty bottle of pills. She's laying on the ground. I check for a pulse. Nothing. Reality sinks in and I realize that I am holding my dead twin in my arms. I cry out in sadness and rage. "She was 18. We were about to graduate. We could've left and gotten out of here sis. Miya. Miya come back..PLEASE MIYA..."

     I jolted awake sobbing and shaken. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the room around me. The room is small and dark. The walls are plain white and there is a large metal door. 'Where the hell am I'  I think as I survey the surroundings. I realize that there was a man sitting in the corner watching me. I try to sit up to get a better look but I feel restraints on me. I then try to speak but there is something in my mouth preventing that. As I try to break out of the restraints the man gets up and walks over to me.

   "Hey doll, took you a while to wake up. I was starting to think I had killed ya," the man says as he walks over, "you look a bit sad. Why is that?" My eyes widen as I realize who exactly is talking to me. "jvorker." I try to say, forgetting I have a gag on. "I can take that off if you will promise not to scream, okay doll?" I nod slowly. He takes what I find out to be a belt out of my mouth and says, "Now doll, tell me why you were crying." I shake my head and say "Where the hell am I Joker." He starts to giggle a bit. 'man, that was creepy'. "Now now doll, I ask the questions here. Obviously I won't get you to talk about that just yet. Let's start with something a bit more simple," he giggled again, "Who's Miya?" I just look at him, the mention of my twin's name had me on the verge of tears. I shake my head again. "I..I can't...talk about it." He nods slowly, "Okay fine doll. Well enough with the small talk. Lets get started shall we?" I look at him, confused, "Get started with what? Are you gonna kill me...sir?" The Joker starts laughing full on. A crazy maniacal laugh. "Kill you? Kill you! Oh doll, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just gonna hurt you really, really bad. And by the way...it's Mr. J to you." 

     He walks back over to me and puts the belt back in my mouth. I look over and notice that the walls are covered in knifes, axes, and many other things and I come to the realization that this is a torture chamber. 'Oh this is not gonna be fun' I think as he pulls out a knife. He drags the knife down my arm. Not enough to cut but enough for me to feel the sharp metal. When he gets to the middle of my forearm he cuts a small heart. Even though the cut was small it was deep, hurt like hell, and was sure to leave a scar. I screamed in pain as he did the same to my other arm. Then he carved a 'J' into the left side of my stomach, right next to my hip. He bandaged them so the blood wouldn't get everywhere. After he was done with his knife, he got out two metal things. "Now this is where the real fun begins Doll," he says with a laugh. He put the two metal things on both sides of my waist and I felt the electricity flow through me. I was about to pass out from pain when he stopped. "See doll, that wasn't so bad was it," he chuckled and walked out of the room. Tears were flowing down my face and I feel someone pick me up and carry me out of the room. That's when things went black again.


Question: How often should I post?

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