I'm not going anywhere

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'So. My girl can tell the future. It makes me love her even more. She's perfect' I was thinking all this before I got interrupted. "PUDDIN'" I hear a very annoying high pitched voice yell. "Harley. Why are you here. Please leave," I say as I walk out to the hall. "Oh puddin you know you want me here. I also know that toy you keep around went to get some new clothes today," she said with a smirk, "why don't you get rid of her and let me come back." I sigh. "So you have been stalking us. That's great," I say hotly at her, "Harley I don't want you anymore. I have Ash and we are both very happy." She makes a whining noise, something that used to get her anything she wanted, and stomps her foot. "But I'm so much more funnn," she says giggling, "she isn't here and doesn't have to know that we had some fun." I'm taken back by what she suggested. "Harley I think you should leave." She ignored me and pushed her way into my room and lays on the bed, "oh come on now puddin. We used to have so much fun," she giggles and walks over to me trying to take of my shirt and kisses me. "WHAT THE HELL," I hear someone yell. Oh no.

I push Harley away and look at Ash. "Ash it isn't what you think I swear," I say hurriedly. Harley, seeing the opportunity took it, "of course it is Puddin. You called me up and invited me over saying that," she gave a nod at Ash, "wasn't here. Sweetie I'd never try to steal another girls man trust me. I'll go now." Harley walked away and sent a smirk to J once she was behind Ash.

I stood staring at the man I thought had lived me for a few seconds until I simply turned and walked away. There was nothing to be said about this. I didn't think it would hurt so much but hell, it was like getting shot in the heart a thousand times and not dying. "Doll, you don't really believe her do you? She came onto me," Joker said desperately. "I don't know J. You did used to have a thing with her and she's a whole hell of a lot prettier than me," I say. I broke. The tears started to flow but I was determined to ignore them. "Ash I wouldn't do that to you baby. I swear," j said. It looked like he was on the verge of tears if that was even possible, "I can't lose you Ashlynn. Please," he trailed off and slumped to the ground. I knew he could be an actor but he wasn't this good and he'd never fake cry. I went to him and sat next to him. "I believe you J." He looked up in shock, "really? I thought I was going to lose you. For good this time," he said still holding back tears. "You won't lose me. I'm in love with you."

A quick little filler chapter for you guys. Enjoy

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