Where ya been

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It took J about 3 days to finally get to Greece to find me. I was in the middle of telling yet another forced prophecy, which I didn't even get paid to do, when I heard insane laughter. "He's here..." I whispered. "Um excuse me you were telling me my prophecy," the rude lady I had been 'working for' said. I just laughed at her and told her to leave cause I wasn't telling her anything else. I could hear J searching the giant temple So I yelled for him, "J I'M IN HERE!" I heard footsteps running towards me and I see the door crash open. "Hey there doll. Smart thinking with the tracker," J says casually, "let's get you out of here." I jump up and hug him, "Let's go J."

While we were walking out of the temple I hear a group of outraged screams. "Oh, looks like the Amazons are gonna pay us a visit huh," J said in an annoyed voice. 10 woman who all look like warriors run at us. Wonder Woman is watching off to the side smirking. J pushes me to one of his men and yells for the two of us to leave. "J no I'm staying with you," I scream in protest. "Jackson, get her out of here," He says to the goon, "NOW." Jackson picks me up and runs back to one of the jets J brought here. He buckles me in and we're off. I'm screaming and crying because we just left J there. Sure he had other men with him but we just left. I just left him. 'You're a terrible person,' a voice says. All the voices start coming back and start screaming. 'Stop. Shut up all of you,' I scream in my head. "I'm sorry Ash," Jackson says, "I was just following orders."


It had been 5 days and 7 hours since I was forced to leave my J. It was just me, Jackson, and the few other goons J had left behind. I stayed in my room and only ate every other day. Even then just enough to get by. We hadn't heard from anyone left behind in Greece and we had absolutely no idea what happened. J could be dead for all I know. A knock interrupted these thoughts. "Who is it," I say tiredly. "It's Jackson Ash. There's someone here to see ya," he says. He sounds like he's in a good mood and there was a hint of contained excitement in his voice. "Am I gonna like whoever it is," I ask. "I believe so Ash. Just come on."

I head out of the room and walk down the stairs. As I stand in the kitchen yawning I hear a familiar voice, "long time no see." Joy erupts within me as I turn around to see J standing there. My joy turns to horror for a second when I see the state he's in. Blue and black and red all over. "J we gotta get you fixed up," I say walking over to him. "Can't we just talk first?" I look at him in shock, "stop in fiction first then talk," I say quickly. I grab antiseptic and put some on a cloth. "This is gonna sting. A lot," I say as I start to wipe the first cut. J flinches but let's me finish all the cuts and also lets me bandage them. Once I'm done he speaks, "Now can we just talk?" I walk to our room and sit on the bed, "Yes, now we can talk," I say patting the spot next to me for him to sit. "Tell me what happened," I say in a serious tone. He launches into a very long story about how they took out all the warriors but then Wonder Woman came for them. J was the only one to escape but even then Wonder Woman captured him and held him prisoner. He escaped after three days and had to find his way back to the jet. He realized it was out of fuel so he had to steal some obviously and that took another day. Then as soon as he could he headed home.

"Wow, it's been a long 5 days for you hasn't it," I say sympathetically. "Yes it has been but it was kinda fun. Been a while since I've been beaten like this," he says gesturing to his body. "I hate seeing you hurt J," I say looking down, "especially when I could've helped keep you safe." He grabs my chin and forces me to look up. "Don't you dare think like that," he says, "I forced you to leave. I knew that if it came between me and you coming home you would've chosen me." I look up at him with determination, "You're right I would have J. I would have because I'd die for you in an instant. I'd take a bullet for you no questions asked. I'd get kidnapped a million times if it meant that I'd know you were safe," I say all this with as much passion as I can put into it. J stares at me and I can see his love for me in his eyes. Before I know it he closes the gap and we're kissing.

The kiss wasn't lustful or aggressive. Instead it was soft an passionate. I wasn't expecting this from J, I never knew he could be so soft and tender. We break the kiss and just lean our foreheads together looking at each other. "I love you Ashlynn," J says in a whisper. "I love you J."

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