Harley Quinn

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A/N: PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!

Hey guys! This one might be a bit short because I had band until 9 today and I had a lot to do when I got home. I still decided to update even though it's late because I told you guys I'd try my best to update everyday. Also, please don't mind any errors made in this chapter because I'm extremely tired right now. Anyways, hope you enjoy!


I wake up with something warm next to me. Startled I open my eyes quickly to examine the room and then everything comes back. I remember what Ash and I talked about last night. For some reason the thought of her parents hurting her filled me with hate for them. I notice that Ash is still huddled close to my chest. 'So that's what's so warm' I think as I lay back down and wrap an arm around her. 

I see Ashlynn's eyes flutter open and she looks around. For some reason I find it amusing and let out a chuckle. She squeals in surprise, obviously she forgot that I was there. She turns over and looks me dead in the eye. "What are we," she asks hesitantly. I think for a minute. 'Do I have feelings for this girl?' The answer is yes. I do have feelings for her but I'm not exactly sure of what they are. I start to answer but then there is a knock at the door. "We'll finish this conversation later," I say as I get out of bed to open the door. I crack the door open and see something, or more of someone, I never thought I'd see again. Harley Quinn.

"H-harley...what are you doing here," I ask full of shock. In the last few years Harley and I were together, she began to become even more insane than I am and started doing er own thing. Eventually she got her own hideout and left me without a word. No goodbye or anything . She was just gone. It had driven me off the deep end. "Well I was in the neighborhood and remembered that I had left some stuff here," she says as if her being here was completely normal. It had been almost a year since I had heard from or seen her. "W-well, you know where your room is," I say looking her straight in the eye, "go get what you left and be on your way." 

I knew that some part of me still loved Harley. That part of me was rising to the surface but I realized I needed to chose. Try to get Harls back or stay and try to start something with Ash. It took me only a few seconds to know what I would do. "Hey, Ash, I want you to come meet someone," I say turning back into the room and motioning for her to come join us (Picture above is him doing this). As she walks over Harley has a look of hurt, hate, and disgust on her face. "Um...who might I ask, is this," Harley asks with disgust. "This, Harley, is my new girlfriend, Ash." Ashlynn looks stunned as my words sank in. I send her a quick pleading look and she understands immediately. "Oh yeah, hi! I'm Ashlynn. You must be Harley," Ash says with a real smile on her face. "Yeah...that's me," Harley states, "Well Joker, I'll just go get my stuff and be on my way. Hope you guys are happy together." she says all this with her biggest fake smile she can muster. As she walks away I turn and hug Ash. "Does that answer your question," I ask smugly. "Hm, yes, yes it does. Now...what happenedd with Harley," Ash asks. 'Oh lord, today's gonna be a long day for me.'


So so so sorry that this is short. By the end I couldn't keep my eyes open! SOOOO what do you all think? The Joker has FINALLY accepted what he feels for Ashlynn. Comment what you guys think!

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