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A/N: So as you guys can probably tell, I haven't had anything to do today and I still have nothing to do so I'm going to update AGAIN! Ha I have no life but oh well. Hope you enjoy.

In the van I was crammed between two huge men. It was quite uncomfortable considering my wounded leg. It felt like we had been driving for hours, and maybe we had. I have no way to tell time but I'm guessing it's about 11:00 pm. Getting kidnapped twice in one day? The seems like a new record for bad luck. At least last time i knew how was holding me hostage. I had absolutely no clue who these idiots work for. After about another 10 minutes the van finally stops. It seems that we are at an old abandoned warehouse. Typical right? I realize that I'm not as scared as I was when Mistah J kidnapped me. Maybe I'm just tired. 

The men walk me inside the ware house and tie me up to a chair. Also typical but still intimidating non the less. As soon as the men leave I obviously try to get out of the restraints. It sadly doesn't work and just leads to me hurting my wrists. All of a sudden someone busts into the room. It's dark so I can't see him at first, but as he steps into the light I wish he had stayed hidden. He had a sack over his head with poor stitching on it. I guess this must be Scarecrow. He was apparently a master of fear and could get in people's heads. 

"Ah, so you're the Joker's new little toy," he says. I can hear the grin in his voice. "News travels fast with you criminals doesn't it," I reply hotly. "So it seems. Hm, you mus be wondering why you're here," he says staring at me, I think. "Yeah I mean it is the second time I've been kidnapped today," I say sarcastically. "Well darling, you see Joker owes me a little money. He hates when people take his stuff so as soon as he finds out that you're gone he will come here looking for you and I'll get my payment," he says nonchalantly. "So basically you're holding me for ransom," I say, trying to suppress a laugh, "don't you realize that Joker doesn't actually care about me? He won't care if I'm gone." I can't hold it back anymore and full on laugh. " Oh sweet heart," Scarecrow says, "you don't know the Joker at all. That 'J' he cut into your waist, that was him marking you as his. He doesn't have to care about you. You're his and he hates when his things are stolen. He'll come." 

Scarecrow leaves the room and I'm left terrified for my safety and, for some reason, Mistah J's safety. What's wrong with me...


I'm sitting in my office working on my plans when i hear a knock at the door. "WHAT?" I yell at whoever is behind the door interrupting me. "Sir, the girl...she's gone," the goon says. I jump to my feet. 'How did she escape?' "Someone must have taken her," I hear myself yell. I rush down to the torture room as fast as possible to see for myself. She was gone. Disappeared. On the table I see a note. It read, 'Time to pay off your debt J -SC'. "Dammit," I say, "Scarecrow. He took her." I run up to where all my goons were and start barking orders at them. One new guy has the nerve to talk to me. "Sir, why is she so important?" I stare at him and the room goes quiet. "Listen up, she is mine. I marked her. I do NOT like it when my things get stolen. We. Are. Getting. Her. Back. NOW," I yell. All my goons scatter to their cars and we had towards Scarecrow's hideout. 

Once we get to the old wear house, me and my men get armed and suited up. I send one group in first to take out body guards on the outside. Once they were done with that, they would send a runner back to get the rest of my goons and we  would take the ware house  by storm. Oh Scarecrow will pay for touching my things. He will pay. I start to giggle as the insanity and anger bubble up inside me.

As I was planning how I would torture Scarecrow, the runner came back telling us that they had gotten rid of the body guards. My goons and I march straight into the ware house to take back what's rightfully mine. While my goons are fighting with Scarecrow's men, I head towards the place I now he is keeping my Ashlynn. When I walk in the room I see something that disturbs me even though I shouldn't care. Ash is laying on the floor in a small ball screaming and crying while Scarecrow stands over her. I shouldn't care if this girl is being hurt. What's wrong with me? 'You're going soft' a voice in my head said. 'Not the time' I thought as i blocked it out. 

Scarecrow was too busy torturing Ash with her worst fears to notice my presence. I took the opportunity to catch him off guard and tie him to the chair I can only assume Ashlynn had been in. "Ah, Joker. So glad you could make it," he said, "where's my money J? You aren't leaving with her until I get it." I stared at him and started laughing. Not even my show laugh, genuine laughter. " I could honestly pick her up and take her with my right now Scareccrow. What makes you think you can stop me," I say all this while giggling to myself about how foolish this idiot was. "She won't be the same," Scarecrow said, "not while I have a hold on her. I know you care for her Joker. She isn't just a toy to you. She has become more hasn't she?" I think for a split second before answering. "Nonsense Scarecrow. Only reason I'm here is to take back what's mine. And now, you're gonna pay for ever touching her."

I walk up to Scarecrow with the knife i had hidden in one hand and my gun in the other. I start leaving small cuts and they get bigger and bigger until Scarecrow is screaming from pain. I shoot him once in the leg and once in the arm. "Now let go of her unless you want this to continue," I say calmly. He finally gives in after another shot to the leg. "Okay, Okay Joker I give in. I'll forget your debt. Just take her and leave. Now." 

I walk over to Ash who in now laying quite still with tears quietly streaming down her face. For some reason it really bothers me that she is crying. I never want her to be hurt or see her cry. Something must be wrong with me. Any-who, I pick her up and carry her out to my car that I drove here. I told the goons to meet back at the hideout as soon as possible. After I gave them their orders, I hopped in the car and sped off toward the hideout myself with Ashlynn next to me still crying. As I drive I think about why it is still bothering me that she is crying. Am I going soft? She stirs in her sleep and says that name again. "Miya..." I want to know who this is and soon. I notice we are back at the hideout and I carry Ash inside. I take her to my room this time, going into Harley's room was too painful. I lay her one the bed and leave a note telling her to come to the living room when she wakes up and feels well enough to walk. That night I stay up mulling over what has changed within me.


So this was a pretty long one I think. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Can't wait to see where it goes from here. Comment about what you think and don't forget to vote!

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