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The idea of this chapter came from another fan fiction I read: Harley Quinn~Crazy in love by Harley_Quinn_xo It isn't the same plot line as the other one I read but I'm giving credit now. (Btw that's a great fan fiction. I highly recommend reading)

 I have to admit, word travels fast in the underground world of Gotham. Especially when you have an insane jester trying to ruin your relationship and get you killed. All the criminals already knew about my new power and let me tell you, it as cause a whole lot of trouble for J. I've been the number one target for the past week for every single criminal in Gotham. This meant that I hadn't been let out of the warehouse for a long time. J was normally gone so all I had to do was read, play with Midnight and trace my scars. Ah the scars. I've grown to actually love them. My favorite is the 'J' on my hip. I was currently being attacked by the growing cat when I heard a thud coming from downstairs. J and all his goons were out on a heist and weren't due back for quite a while.

I wrote a quick note to J saying that Midnight was hidden in the closet and to make sure and take her out when he got back. I guess you could say that I was a bit paranoid. I grab my favorite weapon, a pistol J had given to me that was beautifully carved, and stalked out into the hall and headed down stairs.  Gun in hand I jump around the corner aiming it at the person standing in the room. Standing there in all her glory was the famous Wonder Woman herself. "Ooooh unexpected but I can roll with this," I say as I slightly lower my gun, "What ya need Wondey?" She walks over to me and grabs my wrist, "you need to come with me," she says quickly. "What if i refuse," I say innocently. "I'll know you out and take you by force," She says with absolutely no emotion. "Fine I'll come but can I at least leave a note," I ask whining. "Make it quick," she says sharply.

I walk over to the side of the kitchen counter she can see and grab one of J's trackers out of the drawer and inject it into my arm. 'Now he can find me,' I think as I pull out paper and a pen and begin to write.

Dear Mistah J,

I, unfortunately, have been kidnapped by the one and only Wonder Woman. She told me I could either go peacefully or she would knock me out. Obviously I chose peaceful since she somehow disarmed me. Please get Midnight out of the closet before coming to find me. I have absolutely no idea where I'm being taken but I put one of your lovely trackers into my arm so you can find me. By the way those things hurt like hell. Anyways, I have to go. I'll see you when you come find me.

Love, Ash <3 

Yes, I had lied about the weapon but what other reason could I have given for going peacefully without getting in trouble when he found me? The voices scream at me to shoot her but instead I throw the gun on the other side of the room and walk out of the warehouse. I see Wonder woman lean on a jet looking thing. She opens the door and gestures for me to get inside. I comply without a word. She gets in after me and we're off. I don't know how long we had been flying for but I knew we were out of Gotham and most likely headed out of the country but for some reason I didn't care. I had this peace inside me. It was like I knew I would be okay and I knew J would find me so I decided to sleep as we were flying to pass the time.

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