6. The Morning After

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Camila almost jumped out of her bed. She was covered in a thin layer of sweat and she felt really, really hot. What time was it? 4:40 a.m. read the digital clock on her night stand. Well, goodbye to that good night's sleep, she thought. She lay once again in her bed, trying to go back to sleep when all of a sudden it all hit her. She had been dreaming. Dreaming about Lauren! Dreaming about Lauren and her!! It wasn't possible. She had just had a wet dream about Lauren Jauregui. Camila was freaking out. No,no,no, this couldn't be happening to her again. She was straight. Two and a half years of therapy had already help her set what her sexuality was and Camila definitely wasn't willing to go through all the doubts, the mixed feelings, the pain all over again. She'd had enough of that.

Camila got up and entered her bathroom. She needed a shower to clean both her body and mind. As soon as she felt the cold water running through her bare shoulders and back, she began to relax. It had been just a bad dream, nothing to worry about, she thought as she finished showering. Camila turned off the tap and grabbed her towel. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, trying to spot any significant changes in her appeareace, as if the dream could have left her a physical mark, alongside the psychological one. It was a silly idea, but she felt like she needed to check anyways. Of course, she didn't see anything abnormal. And so, she turned off the bathroom light and went back to bed.


"Hi, dad. What are you making for breakfast?" Camila greeted her father.

"Bacon and eggs. Do you want some?" Alejandro kindly asked.

"No, thanks. I'm not really hungry" Camila declined.

"Well, you should be after that intense day you went through yesteday. Tell me at least, you slept well"

Camila froze for a second, remembering the past night's events, but quickly recovered. "Best sleep I've ever had" she lied.

Camila poured some milk in a mug and grabbed it, exiting the kitchen. She sat on the front porch, with a notebook and started writing some ideas for song's lyrics. She was on the brink of finishing a new song about the sun and the moon and their impossible love story. Camila was obsessed with the song and was really eager to complete it. She just had to improve the bridge, add a couple of supporting melodies and that would be it. However, she couldn't concentrate. Last night's dream keep replaying on her head over and over again. Trying to push it out of her mind, Camila decided to get ready to go to the set and carry Lauren's homework out. Camila went upstairs to her room and put on a plain purple dress, a black belt and white converse. No bow today, she let her hair fall freely on her shoulders. She decided against using too much make up, since she wouldn't be performing. A bit of eyeliner here, some red lipstick there and she was ready to go.


When Camila arrived to the set, she showed her "Contestant pass" to get in. She walked through the now familiar backstage corridors and entered the room where the auditions were held into. Realizing she was a bit early, she climbed the stairs to seat in the mid-section of the almost empty theater. As she waited for the Blind Auditions to start, Camila soon got lost in her thoughts.

"Hi!" a manly voice greeted her, making Camila jump off her seat.

"Hey there. You scared me" Camila said in a high pitched voice.

"I'm Louis. I'm in Lauren's team. What about you?" he said, revealing a strong English accent. Louis was a handsome man, Camila noticed. He had short, light brown hair; blue, electric eyes and an impressive smile. He was wearing a white shirt that hinted the toned muscles hiding under it and skinny black jeans. He seemed to be a nice guy, Camila thought.

"Same. You must be the thrid person Lauren turned around for before me. I didn't see you yesterday after the Auditions, though"

"Yeah. I had to leave early because my boyfriend's sister was getting married and the only one who's allowed to arrive late at the wedding is the bride, you know?"

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Yeah. His name's Harry. Actually, he's over there" Lous said pointing at a tall man standing a few seats above them. He had curly. brown hair and greenish eyes. He waved and smiled at them, when he noticed they were looking at him.

"So you're gay" Camila blurted out.

"Duh" Louis answered laughing at Camila's bluntness. "Aren't you too?"

"Me? No! I mean... I don't have anything against gay people, but I'm just not gay" she let out hastily.

"Wow, chill. It's ok. I was just asking" Louis smirked.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Well, cause I had a feeling about you. And my gaydar is pretty on point most of the time" he said matter of factly

"Seems to have failed this time. I'm 100% into guy-" Camila interrupted her rambling as Lauren Jauregui entered the set, heading directly to her chair. She was wearing skinny jeans and a black The 1975 shirt, which gave her a teenager-like appearance. This look was way less intimidating that the one from the day before. Lauren seemed to be only a couple years older than her, Camila thought.

Lauren walked decidedly to her place, scanning the room as if she was searching for someone. She waved at Camila and Louis, when she spotted them. Louis waved back enthusiastically while Camila did so shyly. Then, someone from Make Up approached Lauren, talked to her briefly and lead her backstage. Camila kept staring at her coach until she disappeared behind a big, black curtain.

"That's exactly what I thought" Luis stated jokingly as he softly closed Camila's mouth with his long index finger.

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