First Things First

153 8 4

Again all rights go to @09Emoine

This is not my book, it belongs to her. But unfortunately, she decided to abandon her book for reasons I do not know. It could be personal, or she just gave up on the book. The book left on an awful cliffhanger and she never wrote another chapter after that.

Me being a kind soul, decided to FINISH the book for y'all

Me even being a kinder soul, is going to put every. single. Chapter. She wrote in this book. So I'm just going to continue where she left off.

I don't have the exact same style of writing she has, I'll try my best, but I can't write the same way.

This is going to be a lot of work because you can't Copy Paste on Wattpad. I have to go in, screen shot it, and go back and forth writing the book. Its going to be difficult. But I'm willing to do it for the sake of others.

So, you're Welcome.

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