Chapter Seven

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ANOTHER UPDATE WOW HOW GREAT IS THAT?! I promise updates won't be so spread out anymore. I've been having a rough few years but I'm determined to finish this story for you guys!

Austin's POV

I woke up to a very unfamiliar feeling. One, I don't usually have the experience of waking up because I never sleep, and two, I'm.... warm.
Suddenly it hit me. The small body curled up beside mine was the source of the warmth. My beautiful wife.
As I moved, she stirred before she opened her big brown eyes and took in her surroundings. The sunlight streamed into the room and hit her just right, making her look breathtaking. The sun hit her beautiful brown eyes and made them look like swirling pools of honey. I couldn't help but stare at her.

"Morning," her voice thick with sleep.

"Morning," I replied. "Did you sleep well, my flower?"

"Yes, best sleep I've gotten in a long time," she frowned.

"I'm sorry if I upset you. I would have left if you asked me to."

"No, I like sleeping with you. You're warm.... and I don't like the idea of sleeping alone anymore," she blurted. She instantly regretted it.

"I mean if you don't want to it's fine!" She panics. "You don't have to sleep with me!"

I smiled. "You hungry, flower?"

She grinned. "Why do you keep calling me flower?"

I shrugged. "You're as beautiful as a flower, so why not?"

She laughed and rolled her eyes before dragging me out of bed. "Cmon I'm starving."

Danielle's POV

I dragged him down the stairs to the kitchen while we are still in our pajamas. Well- in Austin's case, just his boxers and a pair of sweat pants on.

He quickly dismissed the maid working in the kitchen.

"What did you do that for?" I pout. "I'm hungry!"

"Because I want to make you breakfast."

I frowned. "Do you know how to cook? You don't eat!"

He gave out a deep laugh. "I've been alive for over two hundred years, flower. I think I can cook you some pancakes."

He ended up making me over three dozen pancakes. What can I say? I'm a hungry werewolf. I licked my lips as I gazed at his bare back, the muscles along his shoulder blades moving as he washed the dishes. How can this man make washing the dishes look so sexy?

Later he stole one my pancakes before I could eat it.

"Hey!" I yelled. "You don't even need that! Vampires don't eat real food!"

"I can eat real food!" He laughed as he took a big bite of it. "Just not too much or the stomach doesn't agree."

"Ugh, nice," I said cringing.

He quickly finished off the stolen pancake. "I'm going to take a shower, you can wander around or you can join me," he winked.

"I'll take my own shower, thanks. Do you mind if I go for a run later? My wolf needs to run."

"Of course you can go running. Just please don't leave my estate," he stated walking away. I turned to find my own shower before her called out.


"What honeybuns?"

He laughed at the nickname, "are you sure you don't want to join me? It'll save water!"

"I'm sure!"

"Positively sure?"

"Positively sure!"

"Fucking bitch"

"I heard that leech!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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