Chapter Five

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The car slowly pulled up a long driveway, revealing a gorgeous house. I couldn't believe it, this was now my home. If Austin really keeps his word about treating me equally, I guess this life wouldn't be so bad after all. This can't be as bad as pack life, even though I am surrounded by vampires.

Like a gentlemen, Austin got out of car and rounded over to my side, opening the door for me. He offered me his hand, which I gladly accepted. It proved to be helpful as I couldn't move very well in the long black dress I changed into after the dinner party. As we walked up the pathway to our home, he started to explain furthermore what was going on.

"First," he started, "I will be introducing you to the staff and other helpers of the house then I will show you around. Is that okay?"

I numbly nodded my head.

I glanced at him, gaining my courage. "Austin, can I ask you something?"


"Those things I said in the car," I took a deep breath. "Don't tell anyone."

His eyes caught mine, holding onto them. "Of course."

"Thank you, " I breathed.

As we stepped through the doors I was completely in awe. The inside somehow managed to put the outside to shame. It took my breath away. A huge grand staircase dominated the room, a chandelier above adding the perfect amount of bling to the room. But what surprised me most was the long line of staff at the bottom of the staircase all smiling at me. From what appeared like it, there was everything from chefs to seamstresses to security. I was introduced to everyone of them, each showing kindness to me. I awed at the amount of kindness I was shown already.

Once the introductions were finished Austin showed me around the the house. When we finally got to the bedrooms, they were gorgeous. Mine had a four poster bed, an En Suit, and a walk in wardrobe. Wow.

After he showed me his room, which was just a masculine version of mine. All the time he never let go of the gentle grasp on my hand.

After showing me around we walked back to his room.

"Danielle you haven't said anything this entire time. Besides not wanting to be here, what's wrong?"

"That's the thing Austin, I said I don't want to be here, but now, I want to. This is more than I ever dreamed of. I expected everyone here to hate me, but nobody did. I expected you to lock me away, forget about me and use me. Treat me like a dog, but you have given me my own room and to settle in. You've given me so much already."

By now we were sitting on a large sofa in his living room. Hesitantly he put his hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes.

"Danielle, no matter how you were treated in your pack, you live here now with me and I will treat you for what you are, my wife, and not a dog. I know you don't want to tell me everything that happened in your pack, but I hope one day you will trust me enough to tell me."

Part two coming soon

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