Darkness (Hanzo x Reader)

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Author's Note: So I'm actually starting to like Hanzo more. At first I wasn't too fond of him but he's starting to grow on me, but I'll always favor Genji though. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!


It was late. You didn't know exactly what time it was but you were sure it was past midnight. You just couldn't seem to fall asleep, but it also didn't help that your mind was raging with thoughts. Once more, for perhaps the thousandth time you turned over onto your side gazing out the window. The moon hung high in the sky and its light shined down through the glass and was cast onto the floor. You sighed and rolled onto your back and opted to stare up at the ceiling.

You weren't sure why you were still awake, it wasn't like you had a mission to worry about the next day. But for some reason you still felt anxious, you could feel it creeping upon you. You groaned quietly and brought your hands up to rub your eyes. You were exhausted but just couldn't sleep. This isn't the first time this has happened though and usually when it did you'd go to Tracer and she'd make you feel better but she was away on a mission.

Now you turned your back to the window and immediately regretted it, the idea of something being there came to your mind and you snapped your head in that direction to find nothing. So, it didn't help you tended to have an overactive imagination and a mild fear of the dark. It's a rather childish fear for an Overwatch agent to have, you knew this and you kept it to yourself. Sticking with laying on your back you glanced over at your door, deciding whether or not you should get up. Who could you go to?

Tracer was away, along with Lucio and D.va, all whom you normally went to when this happened. An idea popped into your head but you didn't think it was a very good one, thinking you might get turned down. Deciding to stall a little longer wasn't the best think you could've done either. You felt that the darkness was trying to engulf and swallow you. Thinking you heard something, you gasped.

You shook your head at the fearful thoughts gathering inside your mind. You needed to get up before you went crazy in your own bed. It took a few minutes to build up the courage to do so however and once you did, you winced at how cold the air was as you left the comfort of your blankets. With soft steps you walked to your door, opening it and slipping out, you closed it as quietly as you could. Walking down the hallway, you passed the doors of your other sleeping friends until you came to the one you were looking for.

Taking in a deep breath you knocked softly. After getting no response you hesitantly knocked a little bit louder. Maybe this was a big mistake. You thought. As you were about to turn around and head back into your room you heard the door open and you looked up to see tired eyes fixed on you.

"Um, hey Hanzo, sorry for waking you but... um, can I stay with you?" You asked in a timid voice, glancing around you quickly just to make sure nothing was lurking in the dark watching you two. The action didn't go unnoticed by the archer and you heard him sigh lightly and he stepped aside to let you in, which you did so hurriedly. You watched as he softly closed the door and made his way to stand in front of you.

"Nanika?" He asked wearily in Japanese, yawning slightly. "It is very late you know."

"I-I know," You stuttered, "I'm just... afraid." You answered and Hanzo arched an eyebrow at you but motioned for you to lay down nonetheless. You did so without another word, curling under the soft blankets.

"Afraid of what?" He asked, making his way to the other side of the bed so he himself could lay down.

"The dark." You answered hesitantly, thinking that he'd laugh and tease you and that he'd tell the others, then you'd never hear the end of it. "And other things." You added quickly, trying to justify it a little bit. Hanzo simply nodded.

"I just couldn't sleep. This happens a lot and usually I go to Tracer or D.va, but you know, they're not here. I just tell them it's because of nightmares." You weren't sure why you were telling him all of this, but you've known the archer since you joined Overwatch. You considered him a good friend as well as his brother Genji.

"I see." He answered simply. "I can tell you do not wish for me to tell them and I won't so you don't have to worry." He then said. You looked over at him, seeing that he was laying on his back with his eyes closed.

"Oh, uh, thanks Hanzo. You're really great, you know that?" You told him fondly, and you saw a small smile come to grace his lips.

"You never let me forget that (Y/N)." He replied.

Still not feeling completely safe you glanced once more at the Japanese man. Deciding to take a chance, you shuffled a bit closer to him until your shoulder was brushing his. He opened his eyes and glanced at you.

"Is there a problem?" You could tell at this point he just wanted to get back to sleep and you turned on your side away from him.

"No, sorry." You replied quietly trying to hide the disappointment in your voice. You simply stared ahead into the darkness, not daring to close your eyes. Beside you Hanzo shifted around and you assumed he was just trying to get comfortable, you were startled when you felt a hand on your waist. You relaxed a moment later though and let the man behind you pull you to him. You felt his hand slip under your shirt so his fingers could trail up and down your skin. You found it quite soothing actually and his hand was rather warm which you also thought was nice. Letting out a content sigh you snuggled down into the pillow and blankets feeling more calm than before.

"Is this okay?" You heard his deep voice asking, pulling you away from the slumber you almost fell into.

"Mhmm." You hummed tiredly and nodded. Hanzo chuckled quietly and you could feel his chest rumble against your back slightly.

"Goodnight." He whispered in your ear, pressing a soft kiss to your neck. Once again you hummed in response not quite registering what he did. Without another thought you fell fast asleep.

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