Darlin' It'll Be Okay (McCree x Reader)

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Author's Note: It's currently 1 AM, I've been crying for about 3-4 hours straight. I'm tired as hell but I'm not going to bed. I've got school tomorrow. So let's write a very self-indulgent oneshot. Never mind all of that though, and I hope you enjoy. I apologize for any mistakes.


You'd kept your emotions in check all day. From the moment you woke up this morning all the way through the mission until now you've been struggling with holding back tears. Why? You're not sure but today you felt worse than others and it didn't really help that the mission didn't go as planned. Sure your team had been victorious but apparently the price for that were glares and words of disappointment thrown in your direction.

You sighed and hung your head, trudging along through the hallway, feet barely making any sound as you walked. You eventually got to the door of your room. Quickly unlocking it and getting it you shuffled over to the bed and fell on it with a heavy sigh. At first you laid there with your arms spread out but after a moment you brought them to your face, rubbing your eyes and forehead.

"I need a shower." You mumbled to yourself after a moment but it took another several minutes until you finally got up and dragged yourself to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, you grimaced. Dirt streaked your cheeks and you had several cuts on your chin and arms, and you winced when you touched them lightly.

You cleaned the shallow cuts first before turning your attention to the shower. You turned the knobs and adjusted the heat until it was just perfect enough for you. You hadn't realized how sore your body was until you worked your way out your clothes which you tossed into a small hamper by the door.

Stepping into the hot water you breathed a content sigh. You stood there, just relishing in the feel of the water as it cascaded down your back, wetting your hair. Eventually you washed your hair and body but took a little bit longer than usual, your battered body protesting against the movements. Satisfied with your cleanliness, you turned the shower off and reached out to grab a fluffy white towel. You dried your hair as much as you could then pat your body dry, wrapping the towel around yourself as you walked back into your room.

You picked out a pair of comfortable shorts and  shirt with the Overwatch logo to change into. Pulling your still damp hair into a bun, you collapsed on the bed once more, this time on your stomach though. You could've fallen asleep in that position were it not for the knock you heard at your door.

You groaned as you forced yourself to get up and open it, revealing Jesse McCree, who for once, was dressed casually. You stared up at him with weary eyes for a moment and he gave you a small grin.

"Can I help you, McCree?" You didn't mean for your tone to be so harsh, but you were tired, sore, and just ready to cry. He noticed the solemn look in your eyes and his expression softened.

"You okay there, (Y/N)?" He asked with that southern accented voice you loved so much (though you'd never admit it). You were taken aback by his question, was it that obvious that you felt like shit? Nonetheless you pulled a small smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired." You tried your best to not sound so broken and to keep your eyes from watering. You failed miserably though and the cowboy noticed. He pushed past you into your room but you just didn't have the energy to argue.
"But what do you want? I'd like to get to bed soon." You told him honestly.

"Just wanted to tell you that you did great on the mission t'day and it was a real shame the others beat you down for it." He replied sincerely and that was all it took for you to burst into tears.

You missed the look of shock and concern he gave you as you covered your hands with your face, trying to hide the tears that slipped down your cheeks. You almost flinched as you felt a hand grab your arm. Jesse pulled you to him and into his arms. His metal hand placed at the small of your back while his real hand moved to the back of your head. He stroked your hair lightly.

"Hey now, don't you cry, it's alright. I'm here." He whispered to you but for some reason that only made you cry harder and you clutched onto him as if he were your lifeline. He hushed you quietly and placed small feather-like kisses to your forehead and hair.

"Darlin' what prompted this?" He asked when you'd calmed down enough, moving you both so you were sitting on the bed. One of his arms was around your waist. You sniffled lightly.

"It just seems like I can never do anything right in the eyes of any of the other agents. Especially 76." You murmured quietly. You looked up in surprise as you heard Jesse chuckle.

"76 is just a grumpy old man, don't pay any attention to him- I mean, do pay attention, but- oh you know what I mean!" He struggled with his words, causing you to giggle softly. "And the others, don't listen to them, they're always talking nonsense." He smiled brightly when he heard you laugh.
"There we go darlin' that's it."

You gazed up at him through your lashes, and offered him a little smile in return. His next action startled you. He placed both hands on your waist and pulled you into his lap, his lips at your ear, whispering;

"Don't worry about them, it'll be okay, I promise."

You snuggled back into him, enjoying the warm from his body and the feeling of his arms around you, holding you.

"Thank you Jesse." You said quietly and you could practically see the grin on his face.

"Anytime (Y/N), I told you, I'm here."

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