Relieving Tension (Gabriel Reyes x Reader Lemon)

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Author's Note: I know, I know, I have requests to write, but.... I think you guys will enjoy this and I have to make it up to the Reaper fans for the last oneshot that I wrote. So I'm just gonna leave this here now. I apologize for any mistakes.


The stresses of Blackwatch and Overwatch hung heavily on the shoulders of Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes. With the rising tensions of the two affiliated organizations, the relationship between the two commanding men became strained, staying together by only a thin thread. You were desperately trying to mend that thread but as time passed, even your efforts were in vain. Your sigh fell heavy from your lips as you felt that there was nothing more that you could do. Their friendship was slowly crumbling, falling from their hands like sand falling through an hourglass. It was only a matter of time before things would be sent up in flames.

A loud yell startled you out of your thoughts, causing you to jump from the sudden outburst. It was soon followed by footsteps and you jumped up from your spot to greet the approaching man, already knowing who it was, and attempt to calm him. You watched quietly as he stormed past you, either ignoring your presence or he hadn't taken notice of you.

"Gabriel." You called out softly, testing the waters. You watched him stiffen, stopping in his tracks, after a moment though he relaxed just the slightest. You walked quietly, coming to stand behind him. He said nothing and did not turn around, prompting you to wrap your arms around his abdomen, pressing your cheek against his back. You were disappointed when he shrugged you off, but felt a bit hopeful when he did not keep walking, but instead he turned around to face you.

You gazed up at him through your lashes, looking back down when you met his hard gaze. You heard him sigh lightly and felt his fingers graze your chin. The gentleness of his touch was a stark contradiction to his normally harsh exterior. He lifted your chin and you willingly looked up, seeing just how tired he was. It was almost as if the exhaustion was etched into his features and you felt a pang of sadness. The entire situation was taking a huge toll on him. His hand softly slid from your chin to your cheek. You leaned into his touch for a moment before taking his hand in yours. He gave you a confused look and he opened his mouth to say something, only for you to quickly hush him.

"Just come take a walk with me, it'll get your mind off of things." You explained in a quiet voice. Gabriel said nothing but laced his fingers with yours and let you lead him. You weren't sure exactly where you wanted to go so you just walked with Gabriel's hand in yours. You both found yourselves outside looking up into the long since darkened sky, watching stars, galaxies, constellations, and nebulae emerge. You leaned into Gabriel next to you, favoring the heat radiating from him.

"Are you cold?" He asked, surprising you and you looked up at him, suddenly aware of your shivering.

"A little bit." You replied, grimacing just the slightest as you heard him laugh at you, however, you secretly enjoyed his deep resonating laugher.

"Then we'll go inside." He suggest or more rather stated. While you did enjoy the beautiful sight of the painted atmosphere, you also longed to be laying in Gabriel's arms while he told you about his day.

"Alright." You agreed, tugging on his hand to urge him to follow you again which caused him to chuckle.

You soon found yourself nestled in bed with the man, your head resting against his bare chest, fingers tracing the outline of his muscles idly. Lazily you lifted your head to look at him and your heart beat faster at the sight. His eyes were closed and for once he looked peaceful. Gabriel opened his eyes when you moved, gazing at you with rich brown eyes, a small smirk crossing his lips as he caught you staring. You but your lip and looked away, only to have his fingers on your cheek, guiding you towards him so that your lips could connect. You melted into the kiss, eagerly returning it. You were surprised to feel his lips descend to your neck, but it wasn't at all unwelcome and you soon felt yourself being pushed into the bed as Gabriel hovered over you. He settled between your legs, his lips still upon your neck.

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