Preferences (First Kiss)

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Author's Note: I feel that this is pretty overdue, but, uh, here you go! I'll eventually write another one featuring the ladies! Sorry that it doesn't include all the boys though, I chose those who I thought were the most popular! Sorry for any mistakes.


Soldier: 76

Alright, sure, there may be a pretty significant age difference between the two of you, but that didn't change the fact that the man was undeniably attractive to you. And he knew this, he damn well knew it because every time he got close to you, leaning in, your face would go bright red and you'd stutter and avert your gaze. Despite all of this, you (not so subtly) admired the man from afar.

Unbeknownst to you, the man was quite fond of you, though he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was your (h/c) hair that swayed in its ponytail when you trained with him, or the mirthful twinkle in your (e/c) eyes that never seemed to leave. He'd hated it at first, but then in grew on him, your personality did and he enjoyed seeing you everyday.

Though, today, you didn't seem to be your usual cheerful self. In fact you were trudging around tiredly, not really seeming to pay attention to what was going on around you, and you happened to walk straight into the man you admired.

"Oh..." you looked up at him, "Sorry, sir." You said. He frowned from behind his visor. You were about to walk off again until his voice stopped you.

"(Y/N)." He said your name and you turned, eyes brightening just the slightest. He wanted to make them sparkle though. He had opened his mouth to say something but then closed it, opting to do something else, something slightly riskier. Your gaze had wandered but you looked back up at him when you heard a soft hiss. Your breath caught in your throats as you caught a quick glimpse of his face, but you eyes slipped closed once again as he closed the gap between you in one fluid motion, one hand on your chin. He pulled back all too soon though and you whined quietly.

"Stay happy." He said, and you cracked a small smile as you took in the sight of unbelievably handsome face.

"Yes sir."



"Hey Hanzo!" You poked your head into the shooting range, calling out for the archer. You spotted him near the far wall and quickly jogged to him. He didn't miss a beat as he let an arrow fly from the bow and hit a target ahead.

"Yes?" He turned to, straight-faced as ever and you shifted slightly.

"I was just looking for Genji..." You said quietly, shuffling your feet as you felt a light blush cross your cheeks. You heard him scoff slightly.

"Probably outside meditating." Was all he said, and all you needed to know and you quickly left the shooting range, eager find the more kind brother.

Outside the base on Watchpoint: Gibraltar, you found that Hanzo's words had remained true. The cyborg was indeed outside, seated quietly in the grass, on a small cliff overlooking the water. It was approaching dusk as you, as quietly as you could, walked to stand next to the meditating ninja. You immediately noticed something unusual though as you took a sideways glance at him.

His mask was off, revealing his scarred but handsome face to the air and light breeze. His eyes were closed and you held your breath, trying not to make a sound. You nearly jumped when he spoke though.

"You don't need to be so quiet, (Y/N)."

"How did you know it was me?" You asked, finally breathing.

"Because you're the only one to stand there peacefully and not disturb me during my meditations. Care to sit with me?" He asked, gesturing to the space beside him with a hand. He still hadn't opened his eyes. You jumped at the opportunity, and sat down perhaps a bit too eagerly, losing your balance and falling over onto the ninja.

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