Here To Help (McCree x Reader)

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Author's Note: So... I know I have requests to do, but I'm still hella depressed and this is really one of the only ways I'll feel a bit better, writing things for this newfound love of mine. Yeah, I'm sorry for another McCree fic but I've been working on this for a while and it's pretty long. Also, warning; Gabriel Reyes is a bit of an ass and there's mentions of abuse but it doesn't go too into detail. This is in no way canon and I really don't have anything against Gabriel, I just kinda wanted to pick on him, but I'll make it up to you Reaper fans a bit later, promise. Anyway, enough of my rambling and I hope you enjoy.

P.S. This is pre Overwatch recall.


"Darlin' there's somethin' wrong, and don't you go about tryin' to deny it." You heard the familiar southern accented voice say and you flinched. The action didn't go unnoticed by the man whose watchful eyes were focused on you.

"It's nothing Jesse, don't worry about it." You said anyway, earning a skeptical look.

"Bullshit." The cowboy replied harshly. "What you and Gabriel have ain't normal." He continued, stepping forward to lightly take your wrists. You pulled away after a moment though.

"I told you, it's nothing, everything's fine." You insisted. "He loves me, I know he does." You whispered but weren't sure if Jesse heard. Your suspicions were confirmed when you heard him sigh heavily.

"Just promise me darlin', that if things get bad, you'll get out of there or come to me, I care about you." His voice was lowered, almost as if he feared they'd get caught. Your eyes left his as you considered his words. Looking back at him, you nodded.

"I promise." You replied.


You promised, you promised that you'd leave if things took a turn for the worse. But Gabriel still loved you, didn't he? He just had a different way of showing it. But you were lying to yourself if you said you weren't apprehensive or mentally and physically drained. You felt worthless if you were honest with yourself.

"(Y/N)!" That rough voice called out to you, startling you out of your thoughts. You hated the smile that spread across your lips when you heard his voice. You immediately answered his call however with your presence. His calloused hand came to rest on your cheek and you leaned into the touch, savoring the gentleness of it. It was short-lived however as his hand slid down to grip your neck. Your eyes widened as you locked your eyes with his.

You thought it would only get worse but you melted as he pressed his lips roughly against yours. You hated it, this shouldn't make you want to forgive him for the things that he'd done. But you couldn't focus on those thoughts while Gabriel's lips were moving against yours. His hand slipped from your throat and both of his hands were now gripping your hips. His lips descended from yours to your chin and neck, and it was very obvious what he wanted.

"W-Wait, Gabriel." You pulled away, stuttering. "I don't want to do this now, or right here." You said quietly, fearing his reaction. Immediately he pulled his hands back from your hips to tightly grab your wrists, causing you to wince. You were pushed against the wall behind you, your hands pinned by your head. He leaned forward, lips near your ear.

"You know, I could take you right here and now," His words honestly frightened you and you began to tremble lightly under his glare. "and I could be as rough as I wanted and you would have to take it." Your eyes widened even more at his words and you were greatly relieved when he dropped your wrists, letting out a breath you didn't notice you'd been holding.

You sighed and sunk down, pulling your knees to your chest and hiding your face in your arms. You were a mess, you didn't know what to do. You knew you should go to Jesse or Commander Morrison and tell them everything. But instead you sat and cried, wishing you had the courage to do something.

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