Anxiety (McCree x Reader)

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A/N: Hello, self indulgent oneshot brought to you by our good friend, 3 AM anxiety. Enjoy~

You had no idea what happened. One moment you were just fine, relaxing in your room with a book, then the next, you felt the telltale tightening of your chest accompanied by increasingly twitchy fingers. For whatever reason you made the decision to try and ignore it, opting to keep focusing on the book instead. However, you soon realized that wasn't working when you kept looking at the same passage over and over again without actually reading the words. Setting the book down, you reached for your phone and earbuds.

Music had to work, right? You put both earbuds in and tried to settle back down into your pillows once again. As a couple minutes passed by, your ailments did not relent. Abandoning your phone and music, you stood, pacing around your room slightly as you desperately tried thinking of a way to just relax again. Taking several deep breaths, you thought over the possible reasons why your anxiety was deciding to rear its ugly head.

You didn't have any missions coming up. Everyone was well and good. Your relationship was just fine, no problems there. The more you thought about it, the more it bothered you, and the more you could feel your breaths catching in your throat. You wrung your hands together, squeezing and pulling at your fingers as you just stood in the middle of your room.

Maybe you should go to Angela, but then shook your head at the thought; no, she was probably busy. Zenyatta and Genji were away, so you couldn't go and meditate with them. As the name of each member of Overwatch came into your head, you thought up continuous excuses about why you shouldn't go talk to them right now. They are certainly busy, he is no doubt tired, she is probably doing research right now. You cursed as you remembered that Jesse was most likely still off on his own mission and wouldn't be back until the next day.

You sat on your bed again, then laid down on your back, staring upwards at the ceiling. You were vaguely aware of each shaky breath that was now passing through your lips. With a groan, you brought your hands up to cover your face, squeezing your eyes shut.

A sudden knock at your door startled you, causing you to jump. You sat up too quickly, black spots peeked at the edge of your vision. You debated answering it. Even though you were just thinking about people you could talk to, you weren't sure now if you wanted to face whoever was on the other side of your door. The other person however, really wanted to talk to you, and knocked again. Slowly, you stood and turned off the locked setting, letting the door slide open.

You were very pleasantly surprised to see your beloved man standing in front you with a charming smile on his lips, arms outstretched to offer you a hug. Immediately you crashed into his arms with a bit more force than you intended. Even though you melted into his embrace, you could still feel the fuzziness of anxiety encroaching on you.

"Hey there, miss me, did ya?" Jesse teased with a chuckle, rubbing the back of your head with his metal hand. You nodded, your grip tightening on him. When you didn't pull away from him after a few seconds, he began to grow somewhat concerned.

"You okay, darlin'?" Your only response was to inhale a rather raggedy breath, and that was the only sign he needed.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm here." His arms wrapped around you fully as he slowly walked you towards your bed. You heard the quiet hiss of your door sliding closed, leaving you alone with Jesse. You felt him sit down on the bed, and he soon pulled you into his lap, rubbing your back with slender fingers.

"Take some deep breaths with me, okay?" He urged and you nodded, your face buried in his shoulder. You followed along with his breathing as best you could until slowly but surely, you could no longer hear your heart pounding in your head, and the tightness in chest ebbed away. Your body slumped against his a bit as your vice like grip on his shirt weakened.

"There ya go, that's it. Good job." His voice was quiet and soothing as he praised you. "Atta girl, you're strong, know that?" You managed to give a short laugh.

"You don't let me forget." You whispered against the skin of his neck.

"Well that's a good thing, right?" You smiled softly and nodded once more. "Glad I was able to make it here just in time." He continued.

"Me too, thank you." You kissing his shoulder gently.

"You don't have to thank me." He said and you hummed, shifting slightly in his embrace.

"Well, I want to. Because I appreciate it. I hate when it suddenly flares up for seemingly no reason." You murmured, smiling again as you felt a kiss being pressed to the crown of your head.

"I know, but I'll always be here to help you." Jesse assured you and you pulled your head back to look him, light brown eyes meeting your own. You could only see love swirling within them.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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