Relaxation (Hanzo x Reader)

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A/N: Who doesn't love a little bit of Hanzo? 'Nuff said, right? Enjoy and my apologies for any spelling/grammar mistakes~!


To say you were simply tired, would be way beyond an understatement. It had been constant mission after mission after mission with little to no downtime in between. You probably should be happy about that though, it meant that Overwatch was functioning in full bloom and that people wanted you all around, but it was still a lot to keep with sometimes and a lot of pressure. You had just gotten back from a particularly long trip in Greece and you were looking forward to nothing more than the sweet comfort of your bed. It was finally the last mission that you had for awhile, or at least however long "awhile" is. All you wanted to do though, was cuddling up under your blankets and sleep for half an eon. It almost seemed like that wasn't meant to be when a voice interrupted your fantasies.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" You immediately whirled around to face the owner of the voice.

"Do I look okay?" You snapped, but soon clasped a hand over your mouth as the person before you was none other than your beloved archer. You tried to relax your tense shoulders, and sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Sorry, Hanzo, I'm just really exhausted This whole month has been really long and I've hardly gotten any time to relax." You apologized, sounding defeated. A hand was soon on your wrist, gently pulling your fingers away from your face so that you might look up at the man.

"You do not have to apologize," said the archer, "it sounds like you could use some time to properly meditate. That should help to alleviate some stress." He then suggested. You glanced off to the side in the direction of where your bedroom was, and shrugged.

"I don't know, love, I'd kind of like to just lay down and sleep." You replied somewhat dismissively. Hanzo's hand was still on your wrist, however, and began to urge you along towards his room instead.

"Come, meditating can help to have better sleep as well." You gave another small sigh as you realized that there was no way you were getting out of this and just opted to follow the man. His room was always decorated much more simply than yours, but still held a certain elegance to it. On one of the fall walls rested his bow with the quiver full of arrows. Several candles and sticks of incense were clustered together on a small table. Neither of you spoke as he walked to the table and lit two sticks of the incense. He then gestured for you to sit at one of the two mats he laid out for you both. You sat cross-legged on one of the mats and waited for him to guide you through the meditation.

His voice was always steady and soothing and no matter the situation, he brought you peace. You felt yourself finally starting to relax, even just the slightest, with the strong smell of the incense filling the room. You hadn't even noticed when Hanzo had stopped speaking and moved behind you. You hummed and closed your eyes when you felt his hands on your shoulders, rubbing the multitude of knots that had accumulated over the month. You felt the tension just being melted away from you as his hands worked across your shoulders and back.

"That feels really nice." You mumbled, and received a hum of approval in return. You felt one of the last knots being worked out, and the archer lifted his hands away from you, coming to sit in front of you once again. Several minutes of silence passed where all you could hear was the breathing between you two. Then you felt it, the softest touch of lips pressing against your own. You smiled and leaning into it more, relishing in the gentleness of the kiss. Opening your eyes once again, you locked eyes with the man in front of you. God how you had missed him while you were gone. Tentatively, you crawled forward into his lap, draping your arms over his shoulders while kissing him again. His hands held your waist gently.

"Feel better?" He asked, fingers idly rubbing your waist. You leaned your head forwards onto his shoulder and nodded.

"Yes, thank you. You were right, that did help a lot." You yawned as you leaned further into him. "Can I sleep in here with you tonight?"

"Of course."

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