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A/N: Sooo, I think most people know about Overwatch 2 by now, and if not, hey man, s'all good, go pop on YouTube if you want and check out that trailer; I'll be here when you get back. Just wanted to write a little something for it while I had the inspiration. Enjoy!

You sure had some good times with the people you came to know as your best friends. Truly those were the "good ole' days." The ones where you would be lazing around before missions, traveling all around the world to places you thought you'd only ever see in pictures. Sure, you may have made some enemies along the way—who doesn't?—but by god, the friends you made were some of the best that life had to offer. It seemed like right now though, all that was really left of Overwatch were the memories.

You remembered the times when you would sit and meditate with Genji and Zenyatta whenever chaos would flare up in your life. That was the time when the cyborg had decided to confide in you about the past he had with his brother. It never made you see Hanzo any differently, but rather gave you a deeper appreciation for how someone may change throughout their life for the better. It was also when you had discovered that maybe sake wasn't the drink for you.

You recalled being impossibly shy while meeting the infinitely cheerful and upbeat Lena. She and Winston were the first to help you out of your shell when you first joined Overwatch after the initial recall. Lena had always promised you that she'd be your personal, private pilot for a day. It's a shame that it had never happened though.

How could you ever forget that one time when you were finally able to hear Lúcio perform live? You knew that he was talented on the battlefield, but being at one of his concerts certainly couldn't compare! That was something you never would have missed for anything, and now you'd give up anything just to see it again.

You would probably always remember the gentle, yet chastising words of Angela as you would show up to her bruised and battered, but with a grin on your face.
"You have to take better care of yourself." She
would say, but sometimes—and you wouldn't tell her this—you'd be a little more reckless than normal just to have an excuse to see her.

You recollected the winter you spent with Mei in Antarctica helping her with her research. When you returned back home, it made you appreciate the warmth and vibrant colors of spring and summer just a little bit more.

There were many days when you would sit and watch Hana play her games while sometimes joining in. You never were as good as her, but she would still encourage you and help teach you new things if you asked for it. Those days would often be accompanied by hours of helping her to either fix or upgrade her mecha somehow. You'd thought that maybe after helping Torbjörn several times that you would be of some use to Hana, how mistaken you were, but it was still a great time nonetheless; blasting music while you both worked.

You don't think anything could have prepared you for the pleasure that it had been to meet Jesse McCree. That man, as you looked back on it, was quite the charmer. He did at least have the decency to be polite about it. You would always receive a chuckle, however, whenever he was fortunate enough to catch the pink blush on your cheeks after tossing a compliment your way.

Whenever you thought back on the memories you shared with those amazing people, and more, it brought a pang of sadness to your heart. You didn't know if Overwatch was over for good, or if something would miraculously happen where the world would need you all once again. But as the old saying goes: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. And that's what you do everyday, smile and chuckle to yourself over the times you shared. The past never held you back and you always looked forward to brighter things. Who knew what the future could bring?

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