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 Hey, my name is un'merrical .....my mom gave me that name because she said It was  mixed with unique and miracle .....and that's definitely what I was because when my mom was pregnant my dad would beat on her because he didn't want me ...so that's What made me a miracle.....I was unique because I didn't favor my mom or my dad I favored my great-grandmother and not saying my mom wasn't beautiful but compared to my great grandmother she was just pretty

my great grandmother had the deepest dimples and she was light skin, she had long hair down her back, and to put the icing on the cake she could sing... I looked just like her and I can sing as well

But other  than that my nickname is dimp or merrical....but on with the story

Un'merrical pov


Dimp-five more minutes

Um- I did give you give 5 minutes now get up....shouldn't have been up so late talking to Naria

Dimp- but I miss her

Um- you bout to miss that car to if you don't get yo ass out this bed

Dimp-ok I'm up i'm up

Um- that's what I thought, your plate is going to be downstairs and the microwave

Dimp-ok ma

I rolled out of bed not really ready for today, today was the first day of school but I got up and took my shower with my favorite body wash strawberry lemonade then stayed in a little longer to wake myself up more ....after I got out the shower I went you to look for my bra and panties to put on, then put some lotion on, after that I did my hair in a simple bun and found some clothes  to put on and went downstairs to eat

Um-you for everything you need for school

Dimp-yea I just gotta get some pens but I'll get that after school

Um-I'll just go pick some up and bring them to the school  know how much you love them damn pens

Dimp-thanks mommy you the best

Um- mhm now hurry up for you be late

I finished eating and grabbed me things so I could go

Dimp-thanks for the food ma, have a good day at work

Um-thanks baby, oh and it's a list of thing I need you to do after school on the refrigerator

Dimp-ok ma

After I got my things for school and my phone I left

      Now I am on my way to get my bestie .....I have the biggest crush on her brother, I have had a crush on him since 3rd grade...there are reasons I haven't talked to him yet, for one because he is like a brother, I'm scared that he won't like me, and for three he is three years older than me, he liked girls his age or older

I made it to her house I called her and told her I was outside.... Once I saw her and her brother come outside I fixed my hair in the mirror so I made sure I looked right

Dimp- best friend!

I got out and hugged her tight like I haven't seen her in years

Naria- I missed you to now let me go

Dimp-only if you promise you won't leave me for the whole summer again

She laughter then spoke

Naria-Ok I won't

Shawn- so Y'all just forgot about me huh.....shit I want some love too

Dimp- boy shut up....why you over here anyway

Shawn-damn that cold...but I'm riding with Y'all

Dimp-no you got your own car

Shawn- yes but I don't feel like driving plus we all going to the same place

Dimp-mmm, I don't remember you asking

Shawn- can I ride or nah

Dimp- yea come on big head

Shawn- I knew you were gone let me anyways

Dimp- but you gotta give me a hug first

Shawn- ight come here left right

Dimp-lol what

Shawn-come on before I change my mind

I hugged him before he really did change his mind and couldn't help but smell how good he smelled

Dimp- you smell good what's that

Shawn-my secret

I rolled eye and got in the car

Naria-so we taking pictures or what

Shawn-you know damn well we taking pictures..... Especially me because I'm looking too good today

Dimp- you ain't never lied about that

I said under my breath

Shawn - Dimp you say something

Dimp - nah but yeah we should

Once we pulled up to school we got out and started taking pictures

Once we finish taking pictures me and Maria  went  into school to get  schedules and I gave Shawn my keys because I know he would take them while I wasn't looking because he claims we don't need him and he definitely wasn't letting us skip school, he does this every year .....even though Shawn is not still in school he comes some time to talk to the freshman and help kids that don't have stuff.....that's just something that make me like him even more. He likes to give back

while I was walking out of the office I was looking down reading my schedule mentally reminding myself to get two of my classes changed because they were wrong, I bump into someone and fell ......

Dimp-ouch ....my bad I'm sorry I should have been looking

Then that when I looked up and seen my ex-looking down at me with a smirk...I thought he moved away to California but I guess he back

I didn't know what to say I haven't seen him in so long so I just started taking in his looks he now had fronts and a low cut that made him look even better

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