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Naria pov

After what happen to Shawn I've been so depressed, I miss my brother so much. And it don't help I have to basically take care of the baby on my own because king is never here



King-can you come here for a min

I sighed and grabed the baby off the bed and walked downstairs

Naria- yes?

King- put the baby down and come here

Naria- can you just tell me what you want I'm busy, unlike you

King-can you just do what I asked

Naria-look king if you not gone tell me what you want imma go back upstairs and finish what I was doing, so imma ask one more time What. Do. You. Want

King-for you to do what I asked

I look at him for a moment and walked upstairs,  I'm so sick of his bull shit.

King-so you acting up?

Naria-please leave me the hell alone

He laughed and shook his head

Naria-while you just setting there, watch her while I go take my shower

After I found my clothes he was still standing there it was starting to become irritating but I just keep quiet and went to take my shower

After about 10 minutes king came and got in the shower

Naria-what do you want king

King-I want you


I said simply

King-what you mean no

Naira-no as in n.o or not happening

King-if I want it ima get it

Naria-maybe so but not from me

I said as I got out the shower, or at least attempt to. King pulled me back in

Naria-what king

King-this mine and if I want it ima get it, it's already bad enough I been with out it for what? Almost six months

Naria-I said no king, I just not ready

King-I don't give a fuck what you ready for

Naria-look king I don't got time for this

King-make time


King-either you give it to me or ima take it

Naria-can you let me go

King-no, you got five seconds to choose

Naria-my anwser still no

King- ok fine, always gotta make shit hard

After he said that he left me up and stuck his dick in me and I moaned in pain, I tried to fight him but that only made him hold my hand with on hand and held me up with the other

Naria-please stop


Naria-please king

This time he didn't say anything he just keep stroking harder and harder until he heard e'von cry

King-go put him back to sleep I'll be in there

I hesitated at first but then I went to put him back to sleep. As I put him to sleep I realize I was crying, I hear king coming so I tried to wipe my face so he wouldn't see me cry

Naria-please no more

King- I'm sorry I didn't realize I was hurting you

Naria-please leave me alone

King-I can't I love you to much

Naria-you don't love me

King-yess I do

Naria-please just go

King-fine, just please don't take my son aways from me

I didn't respond so he just put his pants on and left
After he left I just cried and got dress
After I left the house I found myself at the hospital, I had to talk to somebody I just didn't know who so I decided to talk to my bother being he can't talk Right now to jugde me or tell me what I should have done.

I walked to his room but he wasn't in it so I want to the desk and they told me he go moved so I want to his new room, when I seen him I put e'von down and ran to him

Naria- I missed you so much, please don't leave me again

Shawn-I missed you to ria, and I'll try my best

After he let me go I punched his shoulder that's wasn't messed up

Shawn-what was that for

Naria-you didn't tell me you woke up

Shawn-I don't even know where my phone at, and I ain't been up that long

Dimp- he lying , he been up since 10 this morning

My eyes got big and I punched him again

Naria-you dick head you been up for five hours!

Shawn- damn ria that shit hurt, I'm sorry

I didn't say nothing to him I just mugged him and went to hug dimp

Naria-hey best

Dimp-hey, you let Shawn see the baby

Naria-oops I forgot

Shawn-what's his name

Naria-e'vontae but we call him e'von or vontae

Shawn-you put the name i picked out in it

He said smiling

Naria-yea I needed a part of you just in case

Shawn-don't think like that

Naria-I tried

Shawn-come here ria

He tried to stand but failed


Naria-why can't he walk I thought the doctor said there wasn't anything wrong but his arm and head

Dimp-they said he might not be able to for about three days the most because he leg are still asleep

Naria-set down Shawn

I said once I seen him trying to get up again

Shawn-hell no!

His voice boomed

Naria-fuck is wrong with you


Naria- no I didn't

Shawn-You a fucking liar, I see the fucking bruises, wait till I get the fuck outta here ima beat his ass you better hope I don't kill his as

Naria-Shawn please don't vontae need his daddy in his life

Shawn- nah fuck that, I can be his father figure, he dont need a father that gone best on his momma

After he said that I just sat there and cried  because I know he was right but I still didn't want him to kill king yea he hurt me but he was my childs father

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