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Short chapter

Naria's pov

Waking up I felt a lil drained but I still got up because I knew vontae would be up any min if he wasn't up already , he was a good baby he didn't cry much which I love because he didn't keep me up all night it's like we had a agreement

I hoped up and went in the bathroom first I washed me face and put my black mask on then brushed me teeth and hopped in the shower I didn't stay in log because I heard vontae whining on the baby monitor, I went in his room and found him on his belly, he was starting to turn in his sleep

Naria -good morning mama's baby, why you in here whining

I spoke in a baby voice to him while I felt if he was wet

Naria- ohh mama baby wet, come on let get you a bath and some new clothes

I started the water, while I waited I turned on some music to set the mood, then started to take vontae clothes off so he could get in his lil tub

Naria- mama man happy to day huh?

I said since he kept splashing the water

After washing him up I got him dress, feed him and and put him to sleep so I could take my shower

Before i got in the shower i found something simple to wear for today and some shoes, once that was done i set the shower just like i like it. I took a shower in my favorite bodywash for a good 15 mins before a getting  interrupted by my phone ringing

I sighed and got out the shower to answer my phone, I got it before it hung up being it was already in the bathroom

***phone convo***


I answer with out look at who called

King- yo

Naria- king?

King- yea what you don't got my number saved or something?

Naria- I didn't look at the caller id I just got out the shower

King- outta who shower because it damn sure not yours

I kept quite

King- yo i know you hear me talking to you ?!

Naria- what do you want king

King- where you at ?

Naria- is that why you called me ?

King-where my son

Naria- sleep

I said keeping it short

King- you trying to keep my son away from me or something?

Naria- no

King-then why the fuck I ain't seen him or yo ass in a week? You ducking me ?


King- yo naria if you not over here with my son in the next hour and a half we gone have some problems

And with that he hung up

As soon as i made sure he hung up I started crying, why? Because I was scared and I knew if I didn't bring him he would do something to hurt me

So I got my self together and put on my clothes, I put on all his favorite smell because that will at least get him to calm down some, right?. After getting all my thing I started to pack vontae a diper bag, put him in his car seat and was on my way out the door

It took thirty mins to get to my house because of where Shawn and Dimp live, arriving at the house I sat in the car for a good min because I was nervous but I got out the car anyway and grabbed vontae and his diper bag out the back and went inside

First walking in it was the same way I left it the only thing different is the tv was on, so I kept walking to my room because for one I was going to pack more clothes and two I just wanted to see if it was the same, only thing different was the bed. So I just started packing more clothes

I had one bag packed going on the second when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me so I turn around and when I did my eyes locked on king

King-where you going?

He said all calm as he ate his hotpocket

Naria- no-no-nowhere

He look over to my bag then back over to me

King- we lying to each other now

He said still calm walking over to vontae's car seat,

I stayed quite

King- hey lil man, daddy missed you, mama took you away and shit

He said as he held him in the air

Naria-don't cuss around my baby

He glared at me

King-yo baby?

Naria-yes my baby

King-na shorty this, our baby

He said pointing at vontae

I just looked at him , no lie he spoils vontae, he is a good father, I'm just hurt he raped me everytime I think about it it makes me sick. I've even cried because of it

I didn't even realize I was crying until he came up and wiped my tear and kissed my lips

King-imma make thinks right

He whispered

"I'm sorry" he said as he kissed me again

The tears still didn't do away

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