ch 30

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Dimp's pov

I was at my last clue for today, ive been to get my nails,hair, toes done. I've also been shopping for shoes and dresses. its been a wonderful long day but at this moment all i want to do is see my man and my babies i miss them already. 

maybe i should call shawn and tell him im tried. yea imma just call him 

i called him but it went right to the voicemail. i sighed and opened my last clue 

clue 8:

I know you tried by now but you not done yet baby lol. go back to the house and get ready there is two dresses and two shoes pick the right shoe and youll get you prize and dont cheat either because ill know 


                                                                                                                      your handsome soon to be husband 

                                                                                                                                                        i love you girl 

Man i love this man soo much i cant wait to see him. i got in my car and drove to the house, it took about 30 mins be of the area i went to get my clothes. once i got int the house it was pitch dark which was odd because i always leave the kitchen light on. i felt the wall for the light switch and soon as it came on i froze 

"are you surprised to see me" he asked me as i just stood there and shook

"w-what are you doing here, how did you find me" i questioned as he walked around the living room looking at pictures on the wall 

"what you don't miss me, i missed you so much" he stated as he looked at the picture of me and shawn from last year before i had the twins 

"i see you went and got you a man and twins on me, you know i really thought you loved me" 

"i did love you" i brought my self to say 

but he just laughed at me and walked closer to me. The closer he got the more scared i got of what he may do to me.

"how can you love me and you left me for dead, you could have came back to get me but you didn't you could have took him out but you didn't you let him kill me".

"Knowledge that's not true, how are you even here i saw him kill you"? i asked now crying 

"you know im not going down without a fight baby" he said winking at me 

"what do you want from me Knowledge?"

" why do you keep calling me that i haven't heard anybody call me that since before i suppose to had died, in fact you was the last person to call me that"he said looking directly and my eye 

I just turned my head because i knew exactly what moment he was talking about 

"is that pussy still nice wet and tight "

i just stayed quite looking a different way 

"look at me" he said grabbing my chin "this my shit" he told me as he dug his hand in my pants

"get off of me"i said trying to push him off of me only for him to grab my hands 

"i see you still got some fight in you"

"what do you want from me" 

"for you to have me baby" 

"i can't" i said before i started crying again thinking about my unborn baby inside of me 

"and wny cant you have my baby" he asked tilting his head to the side with a mug on his face 

"i'm already pregnant" i told him putting my head down 

"already? didn't you just have twins they not even 7 months yet , you just getting busy huh" he said laughing at me 

"NO I DON'T, how you know so much bout my life but you don't know i was raped, i don't even know why ya name knowledge because you dumb as hell"

he just shook his head 

"you getting an abortion" 

"what no i am not aborting my baby are you nuts" 

"i guess so huh"

"i'm not aborting my baby i don't give a fuck about what you gotta say"

"oh but you are you can do this the easy way or the hard way, you can get an abortion or imma kill them twins you got you gotta day to decide, and i know you prolly like he wont kill my babies he love kids to much and you right i wont, but you see that man right there" he said pointing  toward  the front door 

" he will in fact, he already has them in a secret place that even i don't know where" once he said that i just started breaking down even more 

"please don't hurt my babies " i said begging him if i lost my babies i would lose myself 

"get an abortion" he said as let me go and left out the house leaving me there crying "ill know if you try some shit, i got eyes and ears every where and ya aunt dead" he yelled 


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