chapter 31

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Ever thought you were dreaming but you wasn't dream at all, in fact it was all real and now you have to face reality. yea? well that's me currently. I woke you in the same clothes in the same spot, clothes roughed up and all. I wanted to cry but what's the point. I would have to kill one of my babies, because of my bad choices one of my babies had to go how was I going to live with my self?

    If course it would be easier to get rid of my unborn baby but who am I to say it doesn't deserve to live. I have nobody to go to. Shawn still not home yet. Just as I was bout to give up hope and kill my unborn baby my phone rung from across the room

"Hello" i spoke still trying to gather my self

"Hey baby what happened to you last night" shawn spoke through the phone

I stood there for a sec trying to come up with a lie " i just was really tried i must havd  fell asleep as soon as i got in im just now waking up" i half lied

"Lazyy" he joked making me smile a little "well ill be there in an hour or so i got some things i have to handle"

"Yeah me too i guess ill see you later then i love you" i said trying to get him off the phone

"I lov-" he started but was cut off by me hanging up

"I love you too" i heard making me drop my phone "i remember when you use to love me"

"Why are you still here" i managed to get out

"To make things go as planned if course" he said in a duh tone

"I thought i had time"

"Yeah but then i said she gone try something she never go with out a fight soooo...." He said walking closer to me

"Im gonna handle it" soon after he said that i felt his fist go into my stomach making me drop to my knees

"Nooo no no my baby" i cried hold my stomach as if it would help

Soo after blood started to pour out of me my baby was gone, i had no choice in the matter i didn't even get to say bye

" no need to cry you knew it had to go" he said with no emotion

"You monster! " i cried getting up going towards him but he caught me by my neck "just kill me, why are you doing this to me. All i did was love you " i said but nothing he said nothing he just looked me in my eyes and then i seen it despite the fact he just killed my unborn chilled i seen it just for a sec he felt remorse almost as if he didnt mean it he cared. But that quickly faded away once he spoke

"You make me do this, you think i wanna hurt you or those babies? The things you do always comes back and bite you in the ass, i was going to marry you" he said letting the grip around my neck go

I just stared at him as tears still managed to come out my eyes from the pain i was in

"I was gonna marry you, that night i was gonna marry you but then you choose a baby over me a baby you miscarried any way, we could have had more but you left me for dead for a baby that wasnt even born yet" he let me go completely letting my body fall to the ground , my body was to weak to try to stand so i laid there while he continued

" i watched you for a while then i stopped and said I'll let you be but one day i was riding in my truck just riding clearing my head and i seen you come out of my old house so i followed you to see why" i knew exactly what day he was talking bout i was there to just see if things were the same and they were the grave i dug for my unborn child was still there even the dishes i left there the day i buried her it brought more tears to my eyes thinking about it i wanted her to have a piece of her father and mother because she never got to see either of us

" im sorry im so so sorry"i apologize finally understand his pain just for a lil bit

"Sorry? Thats all you have to say to me you took my life and my child from me you went and made a new family, it took you all of what a few months to forget bout me, you told everybody that i just left you not that i die or anything" he said shaking his head getting up

"What was i suppose to do i couldn't just tell everybody that i chose my baby that that i happen to miscarry over my boyfriend i could have saved" i cried still laying on the floor

" i just have one more question well maybe two" he paced around the room before he spoke again " did you really love me like really love me"

"Yes" i answered quietly

He stopped pacing looking almost surprised of my answer, he came closer to me

"What bout him? You love him more then me?" He asked looking my directly in my eyes waiting for my answer and even though i knew my answer i look away and kept quiet,

"You know what dont answer that hold that answer for me " he said kissing my forehead and started to the door but was stop by shawn....

"What the fuck"

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