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Once I woke up all I could see was white well at least I thought I was up,I realized i wasn't up when seen my mama


Ma-yes it's me LG

Shawn-am I dead

Ma-yes but no God hasn't made his decision yet,your in something like a waiting room

Shawn-how long?

Ma-how long what hunny

Shawn-how long have I been like this

Ma-your about to find out

Shawn-what you mean by that

Ma-listen child

I was so confused on what she was talking about but I still listened. After a couple of minutes I hear dimp voice

Dimp-"baby I don't know if you can hear but the doctors said you could and it helps to talk. I don't even know where to start. I haven't been here in a while ,I just couldn't see you like this but I'll always ask la to come and their saying your still they same and to have faith you'll wake up soon, I miss you so much you have been in a coma for a 2 months next week. the twins are fine and I'm pregnant, i know you wondering how well I didn't get to tell you but cane raped me that day, I'm sorry I let you down I should have fought harder to stop him I just couldn't, I was in so much pain. Shawn I can't do this without you"

I turned around to my mother

Ma-it's time


Ma-close yours eyes and open your mind

I was confused but I still did it because I trust my mother. Once I did that It felt like I did a zoom and my breath was taken away and I opened my eyes and seen dimp she had make up running down her face but she was still beautiful. I tried to talk but nothing came out so I reached for her hand

Dimp-Shawn?.. baby?

I managed to get out the word water and she ran to get me some water

Dimp-omg Shawn I've missed you so much....I'm so glad your back

Shawn-I love you to

She stayed crying so I wiped her eyes and slid over

Shawn-get in ma

Dimp-no I might hurt you

Shawn-I'm good ma... get in the bed

Dimp-promise to never leave me again

Shawn-this ain't the movies ma this real world .I can't promise that but I will try my best


Shawn-and I don't care that you pregnant ima still take care of it like it's mine

Dimp-you heard me?

Shawn-yeah ma

She smiled at me and kiss my lips

Dimp-I love you

Shawn-I love you to ma

Dimp-where you get this "ma" word from

Shawn-just sound good to say it

She became silent then finally spoke

Dimp-ever think about what it would be like if she was still here

Shawn-try not to but yeah

Dimp-it's ok to miss her baby

Shawn-yea I know...Imma take la to go visit her grave,when ever that let me outta here

Dimp-that'll be good ill come if you need me to

Shawn-nah I need to do this on my own

Dimp-ok baby I understand

Shawn-where my babies at

Dimp-at my ma's

Shawn-you need to go get them I need to see my kids

Dimp-our kids...and I am I just need to stay with you for a lil while I miss you

Shawn-ok... go get the nurse tell them im up so I can get these check ups over with

Dimp-ok...I love you

Shawn-I love you too

Damn I ain't want her to leave but I had to get her to leave because I was getting hard by just look at her...I was horny as fuck and she wasn't help me right now. I tried to get up to use the bathroom but I couldn't feel my legs. FUCK. Now I gotta sit here in hold the shit n hope somebody bring that ass.

After sitting there for five minutes dimp and the doctor but by that time I had already peed in the cup dimp have me earlier but now I'm just hungry but I already gone be on some shit bout how I can't eat until my test done

Doctor-hey Shawn see you up now

Shawn-yeah hope I stay up gotta family to take care of

Doctor -yea...you have a beautiful family by the way

Shawn-yea sure do....but um doc why can't I feel my legs

Doctor -can't really anwser that right now because we haven't ran any text since you Have been a wake but it's most likely because your muscles have to wake up being you been in the same place for months

Shawn- if that's the case how long till I feel them again

Doctor -Not for sure everybody different but the longest I've seen is three days

After us talking to the doctor he started taking the test

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Dimp pregnant again?

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