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Dimp pov
When I walked in to the room Shawn had his head in his hands

I stood there for a sec trying to figure out what to say, after failing to think of something I just walked over behind him and rubbed his back and pulled him into me, because that's what always make me feel better

Shawn-come on talk to me tell me what I did wrong what you think I should have done I know it's come

Dimp-that's not why I'm here

I said with a slight frown that he would think that

Shawn-then why

Dimp-because your my man and I'm going to be here for you, if you don't wanna talk right now you don't have, I understand it may have hit you hard when they came here because when they left you took on everything you had to watch over ria, feed her and do much more and try to keep yourself up , I can't say I know how you feel but I feel about 20 percent of what you feel i never had my dad until what a year ago, yea I was mad but you told I should at least talk to him no harm was being done and eventually I forgave him, I'm not saying you have to forgive them like I did my dad but at least find out the truth it'll lift a little weight off us shoulders

Shawn-I'll think bout it only because you talked to us dad but I'm not saying that I'll forgive them

Dimp-that's all I ask is that you at least talk to them

Shawn-thanks baby

Dimp-anytime  that's what I'm here for to help you grow

Shawn-anyways next topic...how's the baby

Dimp-it's on I just wish it wasn't this way

Shawn-yea but this is still our baby no matter what

Dimp-I love you so much Shawn... I don't know what I would do if you didnt make it

Shawn-that's why you don't even need to think about it, we can move past this we still here out baby's are ok we good

Dimp-I love you

Shawn-I love you too now go get my babies so I can love on them you getting boring

I smacked the back of his head laughing

Shawn-I'm just playing baby you never boring

he said kissing me


I said kissing him back

Shawn- now fr go get my babies I haven't seen the since this morning

Dimp-ok be back after I change them and feed the

I left out and went in the babies room to find them sleep and sighed because i know they gone be upset that I'm bout to wake them up

Dimp-wake up mamas babies

They moved around a lil bit and started laughing, I laughed back because they were so cute

Dimp-ohh look at mama's happy babies

After I changed them I brought them in the kitchen and walked up at Shawn so he can see them

Dimp-say hey daddy, what you doing

They started they baby talk throwing that hands in the air, Shawn turned around and started talking to them

Shawn-ohh daddy's babies happy today I see

He said as he took them out my hand... I just smiled, i was amazed at how good he was with them

Shawn finally stop talking to them and finished cooking, then called naria down to eat with us as the babies were sleep

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