Chapter Five! :)

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Chapter five yall!! I've never done a chapter five!! thanks for all the comments and votes they really do mean the world. :)

One more thing first. Winterguard has officially started! I am a pretty little flower! [kill me now xP] so Updates won't be as often, if they were even often to begin with.. but any who I'm sorry.  There probably won't be one for a while. Our first Competition is in two weeks and we're not even halfway ready! Anyway enough with me.

Enjoy lovelies



The room was lit only by the little lamp on my bedside table.  My mother and I both sat on my little bed. It was neatly positioned on the wall adjacent to the door. The door was slightly cracked just how I liked it. My mother had always claimed the slither of light guarded my room from all the boogie monsters. She was right too, no monster ever touched me.

"And Cinderella and her prince live happily ever after.." she finished and placed the book on her lap.

"Mama read it again! Again! Please Mama?" I gave the woman sitting beside me the best puppy dog face I could muster.

"Not now Bellie we have to go to bed."

"But Mama-"  She turned my way as she started to stand up and gave me that look. The look all mothers mastered that said "do as your told" but in her eyes there was a gleam of amusement.

My mother continued to walk over to my book shelf that held all of my other fairy tales. I'm sure I could tell you word for word any tale you wanted to hear back then. But Cinderella was my favorite.

After putting my book in its spot she padded over in her worn out slippers and gently kissed my forehead.

"Good Night Bellie" she whispered, her breath gently landing were she had just kissed. "I love you"

Then she went to the door and turned once more facing my tired figure drifting into sleep. "always and forever" I heard her whisper. And she was gone. The slither of light replaced just how it was moments ago.

I then came out of my reverie. That had been the last time I had seen my mother. For a week my dad claimed she had just went on a trip, that she'd be back. After what seemed like forever she had yet to come back. Finally my dad told me the truth, she had left in the night leaving just a single note. To this day I don't know what was written in the note. I don't really want to either.

Now I sat at my vanity that was in the corner of my now huge room staring into the mirror. My wavy auburn hair rested just below my shoulders. My light tanned skin contrasting it nicely. On my cheeks lay a feather dusting of freckles that I inherited from my mother. Along with those, I had inherited my mother's crystal blue eyes. My dad said when he looked into my eyes he could see my mother's as pure as day.

It was now Sunday afternoon. Matilda had finally returned from her trip a couple of hours ago.

I was in my room when the horn on the car beeped signalling their arrival. I immediately dropped my book I had been reading and left to walk down the stairs. As soon as I came close to the door I came to a sudden stop. The gigantic front door swung open nearly missing my nose. I quickly shuffled over out of the way. First came Matilda and her extravagant sunglasses covering most of her face.

"Belle dear, how have you been!" She greeted. I was a tad bit surprised she even remembered my name. My amazing step-mother hadn't even bothered to call.

"I'm just-" my words were cut off. Matilda had thrown her foax fur coat  in my face. The clicking of her heels signalling she had walked off I blew the fur out of my mouth. "I'm just great, thanks for asking." I mumbled.

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