A New Chapter In Life

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Disclaimer!!!! I do NOT own OHSHC!!
(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n) = last name
(H/C) = Hair Color
(F/C)= Favorite Color
(F/F)= Favorite Food (idk if I will use this one)
(F/B/A) = Favorite Band or Artist (Pentatonix, TØP, Melanie Martinez!!!!😍😍😍)
That is it so on with the story!
Your POV
I woke up in my very comfortable bed. It has been a few months since my mom and I have moved into Japan. We had to move due to the divorce between my parents. Leaving me and my mom struggling with money. Soon enough, my mom had found a job.... In Japan.

When I found out, I felt as if my world was shattering! I had to say goodbye to my friends. Oh did I forgot to mention that I have a brother? Well I do, his name is Evan. Evan is older than me by 2 years so we didn't have a hard time getting along.

I can't see him anymore because he chose to live with my dad, while I have chosen to stay with my mom. I was shocked, I thought he loved me and mom. I guess I was wrong. Enough with my backstory, my mom and I moved into an apartment because that was all we could afford, while all those rich people lived in mansions.

I bet those spoiled brats know nothing about doing things by themselves! Enough of me ranting, as I was saying I woke up on my comfortable bed. I didn't want to get up but I had no choice. My mom had enrolled me into this school called, "Ouran Academy". Aka "Rich People School".

I didn't pay for the school, no, I got a scholarship. Anyways as I was saying, I have to get up because of school. My mom left my uniform hanging on my closest door. I got up from my bed, went straight to the closest door and I saw a.... A dress??? Great, just great.... The worst part is that it's YELLOW!!!

'What am I? A banana? A lemon? No I am a girl, not a fruit! Well might as well put it on, I have no other choice.' I thought to myself. I put on the tacky dress along with my shoes. I combed my hair and put it into a ponytail (if you have short hair, you put in hair accessories). I decided to put on some makeup, but not that much since I don't own that much makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and thought, 'not bad if I do say so myself.' Now for some breakfast.
******Timeskip brought to you by Jim ~(ÕoÕ)~******
As I was walking down the stairs, I smelled the aroma of fresh pancakes. 'Yum!' I thought to myself. I saw that my mom cooked pancakes for the both of us, but she wasn't there. I looked around the kitchen and saw a note.

The note said,
My dearest (Y/N), I am sorry that I can't eat breakfast with you or see you in your new school uniform! I bet you look adorable in it! I was running late for work because I woke up late. Hope we can have breakfast tomorrow! Oh and don't forget that at the school they're are cute boys! Who knows if you end up liking them or them liking you! Well, I hope you see this note and enjoy your breakfast. I love you very much! XO
Your mom.

I rolled my eyes at the part that mentioned boys. Yeah right, like any of them will like me. I finished my breakfast because I was eating while reading the note. I looked at the time and it read, "7:45 AM"! Oh no I am going to be late!

I gathered all my things and ran out the door. I was ready for my new chapter in life.
Sooooo what did you guys think? This is my first time I have done a character x reader so sorry if it sucked! Should I continue it or no? Anyways, hoped you liked it and enjoyed it. Love y'all and stay cute!

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