You Stalker!

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(Y/N)= Your Name
(L/N)= Last Name
(F/C)= Favorite Color
(F/B/A)= Favorite Band/ Artist
(H/C)= Hair Color
(H/L)= Hair Length
(E/C)= Eye Color
(S/C)= Skin Color
Your POV
The cafeteria was overflowed with students! The line was huge, the tables were filling up, and I had NO friends what so ever!

I decided to go get my lunch tray and go outside to the garden to eat there by myself.

I grabbed the lunch tray, started walking outside, and sat on the grass with my legs closed of course.

While I was eating, I saw a shadow walk passes by me really quickly.

I shrugged it off, and when back to eating.

*10-15 minutes later*

I finished eating my lunch, but I had time to spare. I started going to the music room.

Wondering why I am going to the music room? I am a music prodigy.

Thats right.

I been to nationals for singing and playing the piano, usually got first place all the time.

I don't want nobody to find out. Why? Because in my old schools, I got treated as a celebrity, which I didn't like.

The closer I got to the music room, I heard some footsteps being heard from a distance.

I quickly turned around, my (H/L) (H/C) spinning with me.


Must've been my imagination....

I entered the Music Room. I saw the piano. It stood there as if it knew I was coming.

I scanned the Music Room to make sure no one was here or had following me.

I walked towards the seat of the piano, and started to play a song from "Your Lie In April."

An anime I watched a couple of months ago. (A/N if you haven't watched it, go watch it! Gave me the feels :'( )

My fingers danced along the piano keys. I felt so... so calm. I played as if nobody was here in the world, but me.

My fingers felt so relaxed as they played on the piano.

I finished playing, and I heard some slow claps.

I saw...

Tamaki Suoh....
Tamaki POV
I was in the cafeteria, with some fangirls surrounding me of course.

I saw (Y/N) exit the room, so I decided to follow her.

"Sorry my princesses, but I am afraid I have to go." I told all my fangirls.

"Why Tamaki?!" A girl shouted.

"Because I can't handle such beauty from you!" (A/N Cheezy I know.) I told the girl, while holding her chin to her face.

Some the girls screamed, others had fought.

I left the cafeteria, I looking for (Y/N) everywhere. I finally found her in the garden.

She hasn't noticed me following her.

She stayed there, eating her lunch peacefully. The more I watched her, the more details I saw of her.

She had (H/L) (H/C) with (E/C), with    (S/C)  that completed her beauty.

Shut up Tamaki! Don't fall for her already! Its her first day here. She has to be comfortable in this school.

While I was daydreaming, (Y/N) had left and was walking towards the door.

Wonder where she is going? I followed her.

She ended up going to the Music Room.

She closed the door behind her, luckily I was able to come inside without her noticing me.

(Y/N) sat down at the piano.

Plays piano huh? She really is perfect then.

(Y/N) started playing, it was amazing! I never heard anything like it! After she was done playing, I found myself clapping.

Oh sh- "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU STALKER?!" (Y/N) practically shouted.

"I was watching you play the piano of course." I answered.

"I swear if you tell anybody or that damn Host Club I am going to kill you!" She threatened me.

I could see steam steaming out of her ears. "Fine, I won't tell anybody." I said, while turning away with a mischievous smile.

"Wait you won't?" (Y/N) asked as if she didn't belive ME!

"I wouldn't. If I did, that wouldn't be very gentlemen like would it?" I asked with a sly grin.

"I suppose. You won this round Mr. Suoh. Don't get your hopes up, I don't usually let people get away with things like this." And with that, she left.

Feisty one I see? We will have an crazy adventure I bet....

A/N This. Was. Soooo. Bad! Oh well. Hoped you like it or did something with it. Might be updating every 2 weeks so chapters are going to be 2x a month. Mkay bai!
Love y'all and stay cute!

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