Another Day

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Your POV
I can do this! Just gotta fill in this last question and.... Done! I stood up, my  (H/L) (H/C) bouncing as I walk to turn in my work.

I looked at the clock, I have some time to spare.

I took out my 'journal' and started to think on what song I can play for my next recital.

"(Y/N), whats-"
"That you have?" Hikaru and Kaoru whispered shouted to me.

"Something that isn't yours." I went back to my thinking.

"Miss (L/N), no talking!" Mr. Nava exclaimed.

"Sorry sir...." I kept my head low to avoid the looks I was getting.

"Is (Y/N)-Chan mad-" "At us?" The twins finished in sync.

"Can you guys shut up! And stop talking in sync, its really creepy..." I whispered shouted back to them.

"Are you on your..." "You know..." The twins questioned me.

I felt my face heating up.

"No I am not, for your information!" I replied in small whisper.

All of a sudden, I hear the bell ring.


Grabbing all my stuff, I packed it up, and started to exit the classroom.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Haruhi's hand shot up in the crowd of bananas and blueberries.

"Oh hey Haruhi!" I shot my hand up to signal her where I am.

"Pfft! What a whore (Y/N) is. First, she was flirting with the brotherly love package, now she is flirting with Haruhi." A girl scoffed as she passed by me.

I stopped in my tracks.

Haruhi ran up to me. "Whats wrong (Y/N)?" Haruhi waited for me to answer back.

I shook my head, "Nothing. C'mon lets go."

Haruhi shrugged, "Whatever you say."


Haruhi's POV
I heard what the girls said about (Y/N). I couldn't stop them since I was too late.

Poor (Y/N), she really has it bad after she told me her backstory.

Maybe I could bring her to the host club. She seems to know everybody already.

Although, she didn't like us when she met us... But, she and I did become great friends. Maybe she can try again to meet them.

As long as Hikaru, Karou, and Tamaki don't bother her, she'll be fine.

"Hey (Y/N), do you want to drop by the host club?  We usually hang out for a couple of minutes after school." I asked her.

She spun on her heel, her (E/C) eyes making contact to my chocolate orbs.

"Why are you asking?" She gave me a perplexed look.

"So you can get to know us better. Besides, they make me laugh, which can take things off your mind on what happened earlier in class." I answered.

She nodded. "I'll see if I can drop by, I just need to tell my Mom."

She took out her phone, and her fingers were typing as fast as they can on that phone.


She looked up and smiled. "It's a yes! I can stay after school!"

I smiled.

"Nice! Lets go to the host club!" I was already grabbing her hand by this point.

(Y/N) was giggling when I ran to the host club. I opened the door and saw everybody waiting for me.


Third Person POV
(Y/N) and Haruhi were in the host club, while all the other hosts were being quieter than usual.

Silence filled the host club, along with a hint of confusion of why (Y/N) was here.

Hikaru and Karou stood in silence.

Honey was eating cake with Takashi watching Honey.

Tamaki was with Kyoya, who knows what he was doing with him.

Stepping forward, Kyoya was the one to break the silence.

"Good afternoon (Y/N) (L/N), I assume  that you and Haruhi came to the host club together." He pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

"If it isn't obvious, then yes we did!"   (Y/N) plastered a sarcastic smile to her face.

Haruhi just went along and smiled.

Kyoya just nodded towards (Y/N) and Haruhi. "Please make yourself at home, but don't get too comfortable."

With that, Kyoya left (Y/N) and Haruhi to go stare into his black notebook.

Time passed as silence filled the every second.

This is going to be a long hour. (Y/N) thought.
A/N I had to update so sorry for this random chapter! I'm sorry for leaving for 2 months!!! I forgot I had stories!!!

Hoped you enjoyed and now I'm going to sleep, its 4:51 AM in Texas when I was writing this.

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