Broken Pieces

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Your POV
It was very awkward in the host club, since what had happened when I walked in earlier.  I just kept looking at Haruhi and she seemed to get the vibe that I was feeling uncomfortable.

"So guys, how was your day...?" Haruhi clapped her hands when she spoke.

Hikaru and Karou just shrugged with dull faces, "It was the okay, just the usual. How was your day (Y/N)? How was class?"

They both gave me an evil smirk when they mentioned class. I rolled my eyes and it looked like Honey~Senpai was about to say something.

Honey~Senpai started to say, with his mouth full of cake, "It was good Haru~Chan! I had the best cake ever today!"

"That's nice Honey~Senpai! What about you Mori~Senpai?" Haruhi turned to Takashi who I guess is usually called Mori.

"It was alright." He said with an expressionless face.

"OK then, Tamaki~Senpai you've been quiet all this time ever since (Y/N) and I walked in here. Is everything alright?" She gave him a concerned look.

"Oh, um everything is alright... I guess you could say that." He turned to me when he said that.

I rolled my eyes once we made eye contact with each other. "How about lunch period boss? I heard you left your fangirls and wondered off somewhere." Hikaru and Karou said.

"Yeah Tamaki, how was your lunch period?" I added in, and gave him a cold look

He stayed quiet as soon as Hikaru and Karou asked that question. Kyoya interrupted us, "Well it appears that something happened between you and Tamaki, (Y/N) if I am correct."

Haruhi looked towards me and asked,"Did something happen between you both?"

How can he tell that something happened between us? Maybe Tamaki told him.

"Yes and you are correct Kyoya. Tamaki and I aren't on the best sides as of right now, if you couldn't tell."

"What exactly happened? I mean it has to be bad since the boss isn't talking that much like usual." Hikaru or Karou said, not sure which is which yet.

"Let's not talk about that." Tamaki finally said.

Hikaru and Karou shrugged. "Whatever you say, but we'll find out sooner or later."

I started to notice that it was getting late already. I should start heading home if not, my mom will worry.

"Sorry to interrupt but I need to start heading home already. My mom will worry about me." I started backing up but I felt something make contact with my body.

I slowly turned around to see a broken vase. I felt as if my soul had just left my body. I turned around to see everyone with shocked faces.

Kyoya looked at me and said, "That vase was quite extraordinary if I do say so myself." He pushed up hiss glasses from the bridge of his nose.

"Oh! I'm so sorry that I broke it! I can buy another one if you want!" I started saying, very frantically.

"That vase was 7,000,000 yen."

After he said that, I saw nothing but black.
Very short chapter but I haven't updated for months!😭 I'm really sorry! I was busy with school and I had problems in my personal life so I didn't feel like updating.

I can't update quickly like I planned to this summer, cause I forgot I had homework for school (Yes, my school is cruel enough to give us homework during summer vacation).

Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you til the next update! ♡

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