Surprise! You're A Host!

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Haruhi's POV
The boys started gathering around (Y/N) to see if she was still alive. Tamaki seemed to be the most worried about (Y/N).

While they were too busy doing that, I was thinking how this is feeling kinda deja vú to me. I started to think about how this is familiar to me but then (Y/N) finally woke up.

(Y/N) looked around and seemed perplexed what was going on.

"I just had a dream that I broke a vase, and I was going to pay 7,000,000 yen for it. Pretty funny huh," (Y/N) said while standing up.

She looked around to see a broken vase next to her and realized it wasn't a dream.

"Please tell me I'm still dreaming..." She looked around to see no one saying she was still dreaming.

I walked up to her, my hand on her shoulder and said, "It wasn't a dream." Before she could faint again, I caught her in my arms and she's surprisingly light.

I took her to the couch we have, and layer her down there. She looks like a princess when she was laying down.

I finally figured out why this felt like deja vú! I had the same experience when I walked in here so that's why I'm  a host!

I wonder what Kyoya~Senpai is going to do to make (Y/N) pay for the vase.
Your POV
I woke up again to see everyone staring at me, but this time I was on a couch, not the floor.

"(Y/N) since you know that you broke a vase that was 7,000,000 yen, you do know that you're going to pay for that.

I felt like someone punched me and slapped my with realization that I had to pay for it.

"WHAT! How am I suppose to pay for that! I can barely support for my mother and I, and you expect me to pull out 7,000,000 yen out of my pockets?!" I practically shouted to Kyoya~Senpai.

"Then we have no other choice but to do the same thing that we did to Haruhi when she broke a vase." Kyoya pushed up his glasses while looking in history notebook.

"Yeah and what's that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

As soon as I remembered what they did for Haruhi to pay her debts, Kyoya said, "You have to be a host."

I stood there shocked.
Short chapter, I know but I haven't updated for a week or 2 so I felt the need too. Anyways you're a host now! Isn't that exciting!? And before you comment saying, "How am I supposed to be a host since almost the whole school seen me as girl?" Well that is going to be explained in the next chapter!

And yes I know Tamaki and you aren't on the best terms at the moment, but I promise you this is going to be needed at the end of the story!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, so I'll see you on the next chapter!

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