We Met.

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It was a warm summer night.
My churches VBS was starting and I was running late because I had been at the hospital for my uncle's surgery.
I was only an hour late but had missed alot.
They played this, funny speed dating game.
I wish I could have been there.
I didn't think anything big would happen.
I thought it would be a normal church night, like it usually is, nothing to complicate my life.
I thought it would be a normal VBS.
I thought it would be a normal summer.
But then I met you.
I didn't know you, but I wanted to.
We didn't talk a whole lot as the week went on, but we did have some small conversations.
But the worst part is,
My crush kept growing, the more we talked.
The more I saw him.
I started to really like Alex.
Thursday came, and I got a text from my good friend Nicole.
She had told me earlier that week that she had a crush.
But she wouldn't tell me who.
Untill now.
Her text said,
"I've decided to tell you who my crush is"
"it's Alex"
As I read her text and it felt like I had been kicked in the heart.
Deep down I knew that he was her crush.
But I wouldn't admit it to myself.
I told her back "that's what I thought"
Before powering my phone off.
I couldn't talk to her about this.
I wouldn't.
Sometime during the night I powered my phone back on.
I texted her.
Told her about how I felt for him.
I couldn't keep it from her.
It wasn't right.
She deserved to know.
I told her I'd back off.
She's never been in a relationship before.
I want her to be happy.
Friday comes.
VBS goes quickly.
We eat and people start leaving.
Nicole, myself, and Sarah, a good friend of ours, are staying after because the people they're riding with are helping clean up.
So there we are, sitting, talking.
Then he walks up.
Control yourself Ashley.
You told Nicole you'd back off.

Author's note:
Hey guys!! So in all honesty, this is a true story. This is something I actually went through Summer 2016 and and I'm writing this in August 2016 and I've only been in school for about a week but most of this happened in June and July. I want you to know i promise it gets more detailed!! I'm not completely sure how far im going to take this story  but I guess we'll find out. The first few chapters are short but they get longer as they gone on, promise. So like I said all of this has actually happened to me and my own thoughts through the story are actual things that went through my head. None of the names in here are actual names. Ashley is the name that I use for my writing but other than that all the names are different than the people's actual names. When I originally wrote this on paper I used real names but I figured it would be smarter to use fake names. Anyways, tell me what y'all think of the first chapter. I know it's kind of slow taking off but keep reading and I promise it will get better.

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