Why Are These Moments So Perfect?

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We start walking.
Of course I'm going fastert than Winter.
I can't wait to see him again.
I wan...no...I need to see him again.
I know that that sounds a little over exaggerated but I feel like he's the missing part of me I've been looking for.
I walk quickly, Winter yelling behind me to slow down and I do before speeding up once again.
It's already 11:40 and his boss is most likely going to pick him up for work again around 3 like yesterday.
Were almost to the picnic table when Winter bumps into my side making my look over towards his house.
There he was, on his front porch, staring straight at me.
It was an amazing feeling.
Almost like time around me had completely stopped.
But it was still moving and Winter grabs me by the arm pulling me off the road.
Of course I was day dreaming in the middle of the road.
She pulls me over starting to chew me out for staring at him standing on the road.
"I'm gonna be laughing at you when your staring at him and a truck comes by and runs over you."
I of course instantly Burst into laughter sitting down in the same seat as yesterday and Winter sitting across from me.
After a few minutes of waiting he comes up looking Winter dead in the eyes.
"Your sitting in my spot" he says to her.
She instantly bursts into laughter telling him "sit Beside Ashley."
I quickly give her a hateful glance but I kindof like that he's sitting beside me.
We continue talking and Winter says something that makes me litteraly want to hurt her worst then ever before.
"So are y'all like dating or something?"
I give her an extremely hateful glance.
She knows about how I feel about Alex and she knows I want to know how he feels but she honestly just made me want to shoot her.
Alex quickly answers her simply saying "No" and although I wish he had said more I know that all we are right now is friends who are "talking". But of course that's not what he told her.
Im looking down at my phone, scrolling through my Facebook and I quickly notice Alex looking over my shoulder.
I move my phone, playfully shoving him.
It's not like I was looking at anything bad, I just hate people looking over my shoulder.
"oh, ok looking at something inappropriate?" He says, playfully giving me looks a disappointed parent would give you.
I shove him once again, slightly harder this time saying back "no I just hate people looking over my shoulder"
"Suuuurre" he says back.
"I'm gonna run in the store for a minute" he says, standing up "y'all want anything?"
"Sure I'll have..." Winter says getting cut off
dang, I almost forgot she was here
"I ain't gonna buy you anything"
I let out a small laugh and I can feel Alex smiling at me.
"I'm actually gonna run in and buy myself something, you want me to buy you something?" I ask winter.
We all get up, walking into the store and I scan down the drink isle trying to decide what I want
"Why do they not have iced coffee?" I say, getting slightly agervated since that's what I really wanted.
Then Alex comes up to me, soda in his hand and quickly taps me on the shoulder pointing at an iced coffee on the bottom of a cooler shelf.
"Oh, haha typical me" I quickly say, opening the freezer door and grabbing one, winter coming up behind me also grabbing one.
"Gosh your blind" he says laughing
"Haha, tell me something I don't know!"
He wasn't wrong.
I've had glasses since I was two years old but I had just recently gotten contacts which were no doubt way better.
After paying we all walk back out to the old picnic table, Alex taking his seat across from me back and Winter just standing at the end of the table.
I start scrolling through Facebook again before I feel something quickly touch my foot.
Glancing up I assume it was winter but see Alex smirking at me.
I lightly kick him back and we continue back and fourth for a few minutes before Winter catches onto us giving me "that look"
I instantly burst into laughter and so does Alex.
Yet another perfect moment.
I feel like by now there could be a whole book of perfect moments.
"You are you coming to church Wednesday night?" I hear Winter ask him
"Ya, I think so, are y'all?" He asks me
"Sadly no, were going to the beach tomorrow so we'll most likely not get home untill around 12 knowing us" I say back.
I'm sad I won't get to see him tomorrow but Im really excited about spending a day at the beach with my bestie.
We all laugh and continue talking, my eyes barely looking away from Alex.
Im constantly glancing up from my from phone and I see him doing the same thing, the way he looks at me...it's a great feeling.
I glance up from my phone apparently not "glancing" though bacause I end up frozen, completely staring at him.
I've got to stop doing thing every now and again.
I did it Lord knows how many times during VBS.
He looks up at me and I move my eyes back down to my phone, shoot, I hope he didn't see me.
Of course he saw you stupid, I think to myself.
I slowly lift my eyes back up, seeing a smirk on his face.
yep, he saw me, figures.
Time goes my so fast and it's already 3.
Wow, we've been down here for so long, but it's felt so short.
His boss calls him ending the perfect day we've had.
He hugs me saying the thing I love hearing him say and he always does "goodbye sweetheart"
There's nothing better than hearing him say those two little words.
We part our ways saying goodbyegoodbye, even though I hate leaving.

Author's note:
OH MY GOSH!! Y'all!! I'm sorry I haven't updated!! I've been so busy with school, boys, and drama(today especially) and I haven't had much time to write. 9th grade is HARD! thanks so much to those of y'all who have stuck through the whole story so far and those if you who believe that this all actually happened to me. It's certainly been an emotional ride(as you'll see soon) and I'm so glad yall have enjoyed it! I will be updating more often and I've decided I'm going to take it slightly into my school year because so much has happened and I think it'll make a really good part into the story. I really hope yall have enjoyed it and PLEASE comment and HONESTLY tell me what y'all though! I love you all and hope you'll stick around till the end!! Thank!

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