Seeing Him Again

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I wake up monday morning, so much excitment in my eyes.
Not only do i get to see ny best friend who i haven't seen in a year, but im also gonna see Alex today.
I quickly get out if bed, showering quickly before coming back into my room to get dressed.
I put in a black and white tank top, Jean shorts, and my white flip-flops. The drive there is so long as I have so much excitement for today.
We pick up Winter and I instantly feels tears of joy pooling in my eyes.
So many things have been happening and it felt so good to see my best friend again as I run up to her inbracing her into a 10 minute straight hug.
We stop by a few stores on the way home but most of the time I'm Snapchating Alex.
Winter gives me a hatefully playful look but I give her the same one back when she pulls her phone out and texts her boyfriend.
The whole ride home I can't get him off my mind.
Sadly about half way through he had to stop Snapchating because he had to get back to work but it was OK because I'd get to see him soon enough.
The ride is short and Alex had finished work so winter and I headed towards the store.
If course mom knew what we had planned to do but i didn't care.
I don't think she necessary liked the idea of it or really liked him considering the few things Jeremy had mentioned to her about him being a "player" or the fact that we rode by his house the other day and he was outside shirtless...not that that completely bothered me, but she seemed fine with it.
Honestly she probably just didn't want to make a big deal about it while winter was here but I was fine with that to.
We head down there, sitting on the only picnic table and I Snapchat him saying were here.
Winter quickly gives me a glance but with my stupidity I didn't realize what she was saying and before I know it Alex comes up behind me, scaring me half to death.
I notice for a couple minutes his hands stayed on my shoulders...once again, didn't mind it.
He walks over, sitting across from me starting straight at me.
It felt a little awkward considering that Winter was there.
At church, no one was there and no one saw us....except Nicole, but it was still better because I hadn't known.
Talking to him was amazing even with winter there though, kinda made him not mention the kiss which he had already over Snapchat asking "if he had tried to kiss me would I have let him?"
I knew deep down that I had wanted him to kiss me and that I may have even though I don't think I would have...but I simply replied "Im not completely sure what I would have done. I guess it would have just been a natural instinct thing"
I loved talking to him.
I felt different.
I felt better.
I looked down on my phone but when I look back I up I once again meet his amazing eyes...staring right at me.
I slight smile curves onto my lips and the same to his and out the corner of my eye I see a huge grin on Winters face.
Before I know it weve been here for 2 hours and I've loved every minute of it.
Every second of it.
My phone goes off and i quickly look down seeing a Snapchat from Nicole and a text from my mom.
I text mom back informing her were still at the store and ok then quickly open the Snapchat from Nicole, the word semiconfusing me but I kind of knew what she meant...but how?
I quickly Snapchat her back saying "what?" It couldn't be that I'm hanging out with Alex, shed have no way if knowing.
I open the next one from her "your with Alex right."
How did she know? I quickly ask her and she tells me that he's also Snapchated her.
My heart sinks.
How could he be Snapchating her while he's with me?
I half throw my phone down in the table, him and winter both giving me a half worried look before His phone goes off and he quickly answers it.
" it... See ya then"
"That was my boss. I've gotta get back to work"
The smile on my face fades realizing our time together is over.
We quickly say goodbye as he comes back up to me giving me a quick hug.
"Goodbye sweetheart"
He whispers into my ear again...just like Friday night before running off to his bosses truck that had just pulled up.
Once again I'm stuck, staring at the stop where he had just been standing.
"Earth to Ashley!?!" Winter half screams at me
We both laugh it off heading back down to my house.
I can't get the thought that he was Snapchating Nicole while talking to me but I shake it off the best I can..which isnt very well and of course winter could see it.
I tell her about it and she gets so mad.
Why are we mad though, him and I arnt dating.
Besides, he can talk to her and me, they're still friends.
Calm down Ashley.
We end up reading magazines and acting stupid all night.
I have a long conversation with Alex while winter has a long conversation with her boyfriend.
We stay up till around 5 before finnaly crashing, waking up at 9, which was definitely to early with our lack of sleep.
We get up, fixing some cereal and eating while watching TV.
My life was finnaly at a good place.
My best friend was here with me and met the guy that I've started to really like...more that I already did.
Guys havent exactly been something that's been top priority for me lately but this has definitely put it back up on the list.
Life's good.
Around 12 comes and I get an alert from the one person who can always make me smile even when I'm in a bad mood.
I quickly open it smiling at the name
I open it a huge smile grows on my face.
"I'm off work"
I look over to Winter whobwas looking through her suitcase trying to find what to wear today since she knew I would want to meet up with him.
I tell her that he's off and she looks at my with a huge smile.
I look through my closet, trying to find something getting really agervated.
I look through finnaly deciding on a pair of pink shorts along with a black tank top with my black flip flops.
I look in the mirror, brushing my hair out trying to get all the knots out.
Once I'm finnaly done I look over to Winter who had an extremely impatient look on her face and I burst into laughter.
"Gosh your impatient" I say and laugh before informing my mom that were leaving and heading out.

Author's note:
Omg y'all! I'm so sorry that I haven't writen lately. I've had so much going on with school, tennis practice, and a few other things. I'm going to try to go back to my daily uploads but I can't promise. Also I'm sorry the chapter is short. I honestly haven't had a whole lot of time to write but I'm going to try to make them longer. Anyways I hope yall have an amazing rest of your day and will return for the next chapter! xoxo!!

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