A True Nightmare

28 1 1

Ok Ashley, toldays the day.
It's not hard just, go up to him and say it.
I like you.
I notice him standing there, by a tree.
Right by our spot.
The perfect place for me to tell him.
I start walking closer, but I soon realize, I'm not moving, I'm stuck,
I'm frozen.
Almost as if there's a barrier between us.
Then I notice,
someone walking towards him.
Nicole walking towards him.
What? No! Nicole wouldn't do that.
She told me she would back down.
I start trying to run, run to him.
Get to him before her, but I can't move.
I can't get to him.
I stand there, watching them walk away.
His arm around her shoulder.

My eyes fly open,
Heart beating,
Sweat pouring down my face.
Tears covering my face.
It was just a dream...just a nightmare.
I think back over it, my heart still beating from fear...from horror.
Him being with someone else...I don't even know the feeling other than something I never want to feel again.
Suddenly, my alarm goes off, half startling me.
I cut it off before climbing out of bed, grabbing my phone and checking my alerts from last night.
Nothing big, just liked posts on Facebook and a Snapchat from my bestie, Winter.
I'm about to leave my room and head into the bathroom to shower when my phone goes off.
Facebook message from Alex Renolds
A smile creeps onto my face as I open the message.

Alex: Hey

Me: Hey

Alex: what sup

Me: nothing much, just sitting around the house, wby?

Alex: nm, chillin at Coltens

Me: cool, tell him I said hey

Alex: he said hey

Me: cool

Alex: yeah

Me: hey, I can't talk right now, can we talk in about 30 minutes or so

Alex: ok cutie

Me: 😊talk to you soon!

Alex: ight😘

I head towards the bathroom quickly showering then heading back into my room to get dressed.
I slip on a blue and green tank top, along with blue jean short and white flip flops.
I quickly do my hair and makeup and mom and I head out.
As walking out to the car, I open his and I's conversation and text him again just as we had said.

Me: hey, I'm back

Alex: hey

Me: what's up

Alex: not s**t chillin, wby

Me: mom and I are heading into town. You still at Colton's?

Alex: yeah

Me: cool, sorry if it takes me a while to respond, a little tired, didn't get much sleep last night

Alex: lol it's OK sweet hart

Me: 😊i can't help but blush every time you say that

Alex: that means you like it

Me: maayybe

Alex: lol I know you do

Me: haha, fine, maybe a little

Alex: that's like saying you only like my abs a little😂😘😘

Me: that's because that's true😂

Alex: lol

Me: haha😂

Alex: tbh your kinda cute😘😘

Me: thx! 😘

Alex: any time sweet hart😘😍

Me: just letting you know, your spelling sweetheart wrong😂

Alex: oh, thanks teacher😂😂😘

Me: sorry, couldn't help it😂

Alex: lol, it's OK princess

Me: 😂

Alex: last night was fun

Me: ya it was, all of us should definitely do it again

Alex: or just me and you

Me: I'd like that

Alex: me too💜

Me: 😊😊

Alex: send me a pic of you

I quickly take a picture of my self, standing in the middle of Walmart😂
And send it.

Alex: cute

Me: thx, it's not everyday I get called that

Alex: you should

Me: thx!!😍

Alex: anytime

Me: I'm really sorry but I've gotta go, I'll talk to you later

Alex: ok sweetheart😘😘

Me: you spelled it right!! 😂 bye😘

Alex: lol bye baby girl

I close out of my text with him as mom and I continue shopping.
We didn't buy much.
Just a new bathing suit for me and couple things mom needed for around the house.
We check out and quickly and hurry out to the car before heading home.
I read back over out texts, smiling like an idiot untill my phone died and I'm left with my thoughts of him..of us.

Author's note:
Hey!! So I hope you all injoyed this chapter! This was a conversation that we actually had and let me tell y'all! It is so hard to not write his actually name! Hopefully I didn't! 😂 anyways comment and tell me what y'all thought!! Xoxo

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