Prank Calls and Saying Goodbye

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Winter and I wake up around 12:30 and the first thing I do is shower.
After I do my hair and Winter does my makeup.
After her and I are both dressed and look pretty, we grab her camera, setting it up, and We both sit on my bed clicking the record button.
We start the intro to my first YouTube video, the prank call challenge.
We call multiple people, more of my friends answering than Winters.
My friend Lily answers after a couple of rings.

" I kind of need your help with something" I say, sounding like I have a huge problem.

"Oh gosh, what did you do this time?" She answers back.

" you know how my friend Winter is staying here with me"

"Ya" she says, sounding worried.

"So, her and I were in the back yard of my house, and we found this old dog cage, and Winter dared me that I couldn't fit in it and..." I start to say, but she cuts me off

"Oh Gosh, your stuck in it arnt you"

"It's not my fault! She shut the door and locked me in here!" I answer her.

There's a minute of silence through the phone, probably her trying to figure out what the heck to do.

"Is anyone else home?"

"No, mom and Jeremy went uptown and won't be back till after dark" I answer her question

"Ok, I'll be there in a minute" she says as I hear the click of her front door opening


"What..." She says shortly "Why?"

"It's a prank call video for my YouTube channel, say hi to YouTube!"

"What! No! I don't wanna be on YouTube!"

"To late!"

After that she hangs up the phone.
I send here a quick text saying, thanks for being a great friend!
We prank call a few more of our friends but through the whole thing I still never got a snapchat from Alex.
We do almost all of the prank call topics I had writen down untill it gets back to me and I have to do the one I dreaded the most...I'm pregnant.
I quickly pick the contacting being forced to do this to and instantly want a different one.
Someone who is literally going to murder me when I tell them this.
I grab my phone, scrolling through my contacts untill I find my friend Kayla's contact.
Kayla and I go to church together.
I'm gonna be dead.
Her and I arnt completely close but we know each other pretty well.
I click the call button before putting the phone on speaker. ring...two...three...four...then her voice mail cuts on.
I guess I'll leave a message.

"Hey kind of need your help and..I'm not exactly sure who else I could call so..just..give me a call back..thanks."

I click end and again the non stop laughter fills the room.
Once were done with the prank calls, I check Snapchat to see if Alex even Snapchated me back.
He still hasn't sadly.
I put it aside.
I don't need to be thinking about him right now anyway, I'm with my bestie.
Winter and I grab the pile of magezines I have in my room, flipping through them, taking dozens and quizes and looking at diys, life hacks, and outfits.
After spending about an hour doing that, I hear my phone go off and grab it as quickly as I can.
I look down at the screen and when I see it's a Snapchat alert a smile grown on my face.
I look at the rest of the alert and the smile quickly fades when I see it's from Nicole.
I honestly feel really bad about that but I can't help it.
He's my favorite person to talk to.
I open the alert, clicking besides Nicoles name opening the Snapchat.
"So how's #Alley?"
The smile grows back on my face.
I can always tell how much it hurt Nicole when we talk about Alex and I but she loves knowing how things are going.
I still hate what I did and how I acted Friday night but I'm glad Nicoles been better about it.
I could tell she's been acting slightly different since but maybe everything can go back to normal.
I hope so.
A few days ago when her and I talked she asked me if I could tell her everything that happens with Alex and I, which, even though I want to, I know I'm not gonna be able to.
I know how I am and I know I'll end up forgetting.
I promised her I'd tell her almost everything.

"Things have been amazing" I type onto the picture before deleting it.
"Things have been good"

If shes still even slightly hurt over everything that happened, which I think she is, the last thing she need to hear is that things are perfect.
I close out of Snapchat and within minutes I hear it go off again.
I open Snapchat back up and the smile is back on my face when I see who the alert is from.
I open it and read the simple word that everyone sends but I love the most from him.
It feels like he's flirting way more I'm this conversation than usually...not that that's a bad thing.
It's already 2 and sadly we won't get to hang out today bacause he's going to the river with his friends.
A couple more hours pass and my phone rings.
Who could that be?
I look down for the contact and instantly want to ignore it, but I know Winter won't let me.

"Hey Kayla"

"Hey Ashley, sorry I missed your call, I was at work"

"Oh, sorry"

"Don't be, so what ya need?" She asks

"So...I kind of have a problem and I don't know who else to ask because if I asked Sarah or Nicole theyd umm...they would kind of kill me" I say back, sounding really worried.


"So I...I may"

The next thing I know I hear thousands of cuss words flying through my phone's speaker.
Ok, definitely chose the wrong person for this one




"ITS A PRANK CALL!" I say, bursting into laughter

"What...?" She says "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS A PRANK CALL?"

my friend and I were doing the prank call challenge.

"I hate you"

"Love ya to!"

The phone beebs saying she hug up on me, not the first time this has happened today but that was definitely the funniest.
I know I'm gonna hear alot at church Sunday, being as I pranked Kayla and Lily, two people in my youth group.
Before I know it, the days over with, it's Friday morning and mom's dragging up out if bed so Winter can pack her bag.
I can't believe it's already time for her to leave.
I can't believe I spent most of my time with her worrying about a guy.
Even if he's an amazing guy.
We pack her bag before putting everything into the car.
The drive is short and before I k kW it were at the place were meeting her grandparents.
We give each other a huge hug.

"Atleast this year your not crying" she says to me as we both burst into laughter.

"Hey, your my best friend who get to see once, maybe twice a year, can ya blame me" I say back.

We both climb into our separate cars, waving goodbye.
I hate saying bye to here, but I'll see her in a couple weeks since I'll be staying with them when they come back down here.

Author's Note:
Hey! So, I'm sorry I know not a whole lot happened in this chapter but that happens sometimes. This covers two days that not much happened on. As always I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and stick around for more! Love you all!

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