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  Emma sat in a chair, a glass of water in her hands. They wanted all the faculty and her to stay and tell them if they new anything. Nobody said something that they already didn't know.

  She tapped the glass with her nail. People were getting ready to go home and pretend that nothing happened, but Emma stayed put.

  Her father had lived at Regis. So they had no place to go besides their home In New York. But Emma wasn't going to go anywhere until she knew her friends were safe and sound.

  She awaited the fight between her and her dad, but she really didn't care. She'd sleep in a tree if it meant she got to stay there.

  "Miss Reid?" Emma turned around and came face to face with Mr. Parker, the dean. "Dean,"

  Emma got up slowly. "Are you okay?" The man asked, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked Mr. Parker in the eyes and shook her head.

  Emma was nowhere near okay. She had just been apart of a terrorist attack and all her friends were left at the school while she was to be free.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  The Dean pulled Emma into a tight hug where she cried for a few minutes. She had never been more frightened in her life. It felt like if she were to breath the wrong way, something bad would happen.

  After awhile she pulled out. "Thanks." She mumbled softly.

  She really needed that. Now, since everything was out of her system, she could keep her head straight and figure out a way to help everyone at that school. Even if it meant getting herself hurt.

  "Miss Reid, did you hear what I just said?" Emma blinked. "Uh, sorry sir, I didn't." "I said that your father wants to talk to you."


  Here it was. The inevitable conversation about what was going to happen next. Only, Emma knew what was going to happen, and she didn't think her father was going to be to happy about it.

  She met her father outside of a tent. She took her time to get there, trying to figure out what she was going to say. She had came up with nothing when she saw him.

  Walking over slowly she straightened her back and took a deep breath.

  "I'm not going home." Her father was stunned by her words. His eyebrows scrunched up. "What do you mean you're not going home?"

  Her father was a good 6"4 while she was 5"8, so they had quite a bit of a hight difference. People would've cowered back from Mr. Reid, but Emma kept her stance.

  "I'm not going home." She repeated.

  It was silent between them. Her father tilted his head up, like he was thinking.

  "That is not up for discussion Emma, we need to go home."

  "You need to go home, I need to stay and help my friends."

  "Help your? Emma, whatever you're planing on doing is not going  to happen, we are going home."

  The two argued for a while, but Emma never backed down. She was going to win this one. She had to win this one.

  "Dad! I'm not leaving okay." Mr. Reid took a deep breath. He closed his eyes shut and walked away. Emma was confused.

  Had she won?

  She waited a few moments. Still, her father was still not back. Emma took a seat on a big rock and sat uneasy.

  Finally her father returned, but he was not alone.

  "I see you're very persistent about staying-" her father began. "So I made a compromise. You are to stay 1 week with Mr Parker at the base a little ways away.  I will be staying at a motel in town. After 1 week, we are going home. Got it."

  Emma nodded. That was the most she was going to get, and she was going to take it. "Thank you."

  Her father left soon after and she was alone again. She couldn't believe that had happened. She thought he would make her go. It was so unbelievable she had to think for a moment.

  She rubbed her hands together and slouched, leaning her back on a tree. Her eyes trailed to the ground to a small rock.

  What now?

Thought I forgot to update didn't you.

Actually I kinda did because I didn't have chapter four written but I manage to scrape something up. I hope you like it! The next few chapters will hopefully be more interesting and get to the action

Also thanks to everyone who voted!! It really means a lot to me, love you all


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